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2014 IMTA – International Management Teachers Academy

The 15th edition of CEEMAN's International Management Teachers Academy will take place on 8-20 June 2014 in Bled, Slovenia. Applications due 15 February 2014.

The 2014 IMTA disciplinary tracks include:

  • Accounting
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Strategic Management
  • Leadership and Change Management
  • Business in Society, introduced in 2013

IMTA is an intensive and highly interactive two-week program with a well-balanced focus on general and discipline-specific aspects of management education.

Week 1 focuses on common issues related to general aspects of management education, with special emphasis on the case method and project work. It also deals with the skills required in the multiple roles of faculty. Innovations in management development are discussed in the context of IT, project-based education, and the integration of the arts, culture, and science.

Week 2, structured into disciplinary tracks, such as Strategic Management, Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Leadership and Change Management, and Business in Society, when participants focus on requirements and opportunities more specific to their particular disciplines. Pre-program individual preparation and in-program lectures and discussions, individual preparation, small group discussions and teamwork, case discussions, simulations, role-play, presentations, and other work methods position IMTA participants at the center of the learning process.

See more information on the program structure, faculty and application process at


CEEMAN International Management Teachers Academy (IMTA) provides a unique opportunity for young faculty to develop their curricula, course design, teaching materials and particularly teaching skills and methods. The program is heavily based on the case method, including teaching with cases, case writing, and performance evaluation and feedback to students. It is also designed to improve competences and skills integral to specific managerial disciplines, and provides input essential in other areas of a faculty member's professional life, such as consulting, institution development and administration, and social responsibility.

The exchange of ideas and experience with colleagues from other countries is also an invaluable source of learning, and an effective instrument in establishing professional contacts and networks.

According to post-program feedback received by IMTA participants and their institutions, the effects of the program go far beyond individual professional career development. Its benefits also include an impact on the participants’ institutions and their respective stakeholders.


The most frequently stated program results are:

  • improved educational skills
  • development of new teaching materials
  • new research project and doctoral thesis leads
  • student (customer) satisfaction
  • international case competition awards to IMTA alumni
  • contribution to institution building
  • greater international cooperation, faculty networking, and exchange

Download IMTA Brochure

Alumni Association

IMTA Alumni Association consists of close to 470 graduates, representing more than 142 institutions and 38 countries. This alumni network is a powerful platform for further professional development, experience exchange, joint projects and initiatives and a strong contributor to the institutional development.

IMTA Foundation for Faculty Development

In November 2012, CEEMAN established the IMTA Foundation for Faculty Development (IMTA Foundation). Its goal is to provide external funding and enable the IMTA program to develop and expand IMTA and IMTA-related programs and to maintain tuition fees at an affordable level for most of its members, while offering special scholarships for institutions in need, including those from dynamically changing environments in different regions.

IMTA Educational Material Development Programs

The IMTA Educational Material Development ProgramsCase Writing Module and Research and Publishing Module - respond to a broadly shared perception among CEEMAN members that excellence in teaching can only be achieved if institutions and faculty members commit themselves to bringing new knowledge into the classroom through up-to-date and relevant cases and managerially-oriented research. They also address a demand from IMTA graduates for follow-up education to complement their previous IMTA studies.

See the Video story on IMTA, an outcome of the 2013 PRME Summit, which describes IMTA through the lens of the “4 I’s” of PRME: Inspiration, Innovation, Implementation and Impact.

For more information visit the event website.