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PRME Global

2015 Biennial Conference on The Business and Economics of Peace

We are pleased to announce the Institute for Economics and Peace and American University’s Kogod School of Business 2015 biennial conference on “The Business and Economics of Peace,” will take place 10-11 April, 2015 at American University in Washington, D.C., supported by PRME and Greenleaf Publishing.

The conference will convene graduate, advanced undergraduate students, academics, and practitioners in the following areas of study: business, public policy, international relations, economics, and statistics, among others. The conference seeks to showcase the best student work related to the key conference themes: 1) Economics, Business and Peace, 2) Measuring Peace, 3) the Analysis and Management of Risk, and 4) Resilient Businesses, Resilient Societies: Promoting Positive Peace. In addition to the student presentations, established academics and industry leaders will share the latest ideas in research and practice. Discussions and networking opportunities with practitioners will be emphasized in the program.

The inaugural conference took place at the Kogod School of Business in April 2013, and brought together 40 speakers and 100 participants for research presentations, panel discussions, career development, and networking. Coverage of the conference can be found here and conference proceedings here.

This conference seeks to focus greater attention on the interrelationships between business, peace, and economics and emphasize the value in looking at these issues from multiple disciplines and perspectives. With advances in fact-based peace metrics led by IEP through the Global Peace Index and related research, as well as further study into the links between peace and commerce by international academics, a base of research exists to propel further study on the measurement of peace and the role business in peace economics.

Call for Submissions:

Graduate students are invited to submit original research papers and case studies within the broad scope of the conference. Submissions focusing on the application of novel research methodologies (e.g., GIS) and original multi-media productions will also be considered.

A committee composed of AU faculty and IEP representatives will review all submitted papers for presentation in the conference. The best papers from the conference will be selected and published in Greenleaf Publishing’s journal Business, Peace and Sustainable Development, the first journal dedicated to the mutual contribution of business and peace. Sumission deadline in 12 January, 2015.

For more information on paper submissions, see here.

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