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PRME Global

2nd PRME Latin America Regional Meeting | Registration OPEN

The 2nd PRME Latin America Regional Meeting will be hosted by CENTRUM Católica Graduate Business School on 18-20 June in Lima, Peru.

"Innovating Global Action for Responsible Leadership in Business Education"

An Advising Committee for the event is made up of the two co-organizers, CENTRUM and the PRME Secretariat, and representatives from IAE Business School in Argentina, Fundação Getulio Vargas and Fundação Dom Cabral in Brazil, and EGADE Business School in Mexico. The meeting will be supported by the Global Compact Regional Center for Latin America. The purpose of the meeting will be to share innovations, practices, new initiatives and new ideas and to devise actions for strengthening responsible leadership in business education in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The meeting will bring together leading Latin American and international business schools, Deans and professors, businesspeople, researchers and practitioners to share their knowledge and expertise, offer answers to and explore new avenues for addressing the pressing questions and issues related to Responsible Business Education in the world, and to support Industry in its change towards responsible leadership. It will also address the creation of a Latin America and Caribbean Chapter of the PRME, which will strengthen collaborative links in responsible leadership amongst business schools in the region.

Overview of Sub-Themes

  • Global business ethics, responsibility, and sustainability as a competitive advantage in future markets.
  • Knowledge needs to transform “business as usual” in LAC: The needs from companies.
  • Businesses as drivers for responsible leadership and management change.
  • New models of responsible leadership and management education in culturally diverse countries in LAC.
  • Successful practices for deepening responsible leadership and management at Business Schools.

Register now for this year's meeting on the event webpage: English, Español, Português. For more information, please see the agenda and contact

The 1st PRME Latin American Regional Meeting was held in December 2011 at IAE Business School in Buenos Aires.

More details will be posted as available.

We look forward to seeing you in Lima in June.

Visit the event website for further information.