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2024 PRME Global Students Sustainability Award

Student Organization Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower students with the knowledge and skills to champion sustainability, inspired by COP28. We bridge academia and industry, promoting practical environmental advocacy and sustainable practices across all majors, in line with the UAE's Net Zero 2050 vision. Our aim is to foster a proactive community of future leaders committed to making a positive impact on the planet.

How has the work of your student organization advanced the SDGs and the Seven Principles for Responsible Management Education?

Our student organization has significantly advanced the SDGs and the Seven Principles for Responsible Management Education through various initiatives. In 2023, we implemented a series of impactful projects, such as monthly SDG-related company collaborations, and participation in the COP28 simulation at the British University in Egypt in collaboration with the UNDP, involving 30 of our students. This initiative immersed students in international climate negotiations, enhancing their understanding of climate action (SDG 13) and global partnerships (SDG 17).

We also organized the "Road to COP 28" Workshop Series with the Environmental Agency Abu Dhabi, focusing on themes like eco-entrepreneurship and clean energy, thus promoting SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). Our efforts in launching the Bachelor of Science in Sustainability at Zayed University further reinforced our commitment to quality education (SDG 4) and sustainable development.

These initiatives embody the PRME principles by developing students as future leaders committed to sustainability, integrating sustainability into educational frameworks, and fostering partnerships with industry and government. Our projects have inspired a culture of sustainability on campus and beyond, demonstrating our dedication to a more sustainable and responsible world.

How has the work of your student organization built upon creative approaches?

Our student organization has leveraged creative approaches to advance our mission by fostering innovative student-led activities. The COP28 Simulation is a prime example, where students engaged in realistic climate negotiations. This unique experiential learning method enhanced our understanding of global climate issues and developed key skills in diplomacy and public speaking.

Also, the implementation of the "Road to COP 28" Workshop Series, featured sustainability experts and provided students with practical insights and real-world applications of sustainability concepts. This initiative encouraged active engagement and social interaction, creating a vibrant community of climate advocates.

The launch of the Bachelor of Science in Sustainability program further demonstrates our innovative approach. By integrating an interdisciplinary curriculum and involving students in its development, we ensured the program's relevance and impact. We believe that this approach promotes collaborative spirit and prepares students to tackle complex sustainability challenges.

How has the work of your student organization impacted the university ecosystem and local/regional communities?

Our student organization has profoundly impacted the university ecosystem through targeted initiatives. The launch of the Bachelor of Science in Sustainability program, benefiting over 600 students, has integrated sustainability into the university curriculum and fostered collaboration with industry leaders. This shift has promoted a sustainability-oriented mindset across campus. Additionally, the COP28 Simulation provided 30 students with hands-on negotiation experience, enhancing their skills in diplomacy and public speaking. Post-event surveys showed a 90% increase in understanding climate negotiation dynamics, significantly raising awareness about the urgency of the matter among participants.

Our efforts have also significantly influenced local and regional communities. Our partnerships with the Environmental Agency Abu Dhabi and the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment have extended our reach. The "Road to COP 28" Workshop Series, with over 300 participants, increased climate issue awareness and readiness to act. This initiative also led to internships and collaborative projects, contributing to local sustainability efforts. Notably, our former president and vice president graduated from the PGS Global Ambassadors Program for the Middle East in December 2023 as two of the 24 selected students. Their experiences have helped to elevate the profile of our organization and its initiatives, further strengthening our impact in the region.

How has the work of your student organization promoted student development?

Our student organization has significantly promoted student development by providing hands-on, student-led initiatives that foster essential skills and competencies. Engagement in these initiatives serves as a unique learning opportunity, extending beyond the classroom to impact students' academic, professional, and personal growth.

One example is the practical experience gained through the "Road to COP 28" Workshop Series, previously mentioned. This initiative connected over 300 participants with industry leaders, resulting in tremendous learning and opportunities for collaborative projects. These experiences have equipped students with practical skills and industry connections, enhancing their professional readiness.

Additionally, our organization emphasizes leadership development through active participation in various projects and events. The COP28 Simulation, as discussed earlier, allowed students to engage in real-world negotiation scenarios, significantly boosting their diplomacy, public speaking, and leadership skills.

Through our diverse initiatives, our student organization has created a dynamic environment for learning and growth, leaving a lasting imprint on students beyond the classroom experience.

How has the work of your student organization promoted global cooperation?

Our student organization has promoted global cooperation through initiatives that foster international collaboration and cultural exchange. For instance, the COP28 Simulation, previously mentioned, at the British University in Egypt engaged 30 students in global climate negotiations, enhancing their understanding of international diplomacy and fostering cross-cultural dialogue. This initiative promoted SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) by encouraging cooperation among students from diverse backgrounds.

Our participation as UAE youth delegates at COP28 and the EXPO Road to COP28 connected our students with global leaders and peers, facilitating the exchange of ideas and best practices in sustainability. These experiences underscored the importance of diverse perspectives in addressing global challenges and provided a platform for mutual learning and cooperation.

The "Road to COP 28" Workshop Series, conducted in collaboration with the Environmental Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD), featured international experts who provided insights into global sustainability efforts. This series encouraged students to learn from and apply global best practices, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and cooperation across borders.

Moreover, our partnerships with key organizations like EAD and the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE) have further extended our global reach, creating a network of collaboration that transcends cultural and national boundaries. These efforts demonstrate the feasibility and relevance of our approaches, making them adaptable for student organizations worldwide, thereby promoting shared, global learning.

Projects and Initiatives undertaken in 2023

  1. Monthly SDG-related Company Collaborations

  2. COP28 Simulation Student Participation in the British University in Egypt in collaboration with the UNDP (30 students)

  3. COP28 Participation as UAE youth delegates

  4. EXPO Road to COP28 Participation

  5. Higher Education Climate Dialogues (HECD) conference participation

  6. "Road to COP 28" Workshop Series in collaboration with the Environmental Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD)

  7. Formed partnerships with key organizations like Environmental Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD), Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE), and others, enhancing the club’s outreach and impact.

  8. Launch of the Bachelor of Science in Sustainability at Zayed University, highly supported and endorsed by the club.

  9. Participation in National and International Competitions related to sustainability awareness and action, sustainable development, and advancement of the SDGs.


There are over 150 club members. However, the leadership roles are as follows:

  1. Shamma Hukal – Club’s president

  2. Sofía Gattini * – Club’s vice president

  3. David May – Professor in charge

*Competed in simulation competition