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Azteca University

Status Non Communicating Signatory
Type of Organization University
Parent Organization
Location Calle Palma 61 , Mexico
Member Since 11 August 2021

The Universidad Azteca (also known as Azteca University), is a fully accredited/recognized university in the greater Mexico City area, with thousands of students and more than 11 Campus nationwide

Listed at the INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF UNIVERSITIES Edition 2020 by International Alliance of Universities IAU / published by The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO.
Besides the National Recognition in Mexico is fully accredited by the BOARD OF QUALITY STANDARDS. BQS at European Union .

The term "Universidad" in Mexico is a legally protected denomination and reserved for those postsecondary institutions of higher education, offering at least five (5) officially recognized Licentiates (Bologna system Master-level) or postgraduate degree programmes, in at least three study areas, including arts (humanities).

Universidad Azteca is a Private University with Recognition of the Official Validity of Studies awarded by the Federal Ministry of Education of the Republic and recognized by the Federal Government (SECRETARIA DE EDUCACION PUBLICA, SEP) to award University degrees.

The university offers Three Academic Systems: Traditional (on-campus), Blended Learning, and Virtual E-learning (in a real-time), and awards degrees in a variety of specializations study areas.

According to the Mexican Higher Education laws, Universidad Azteca is authorized to award degrees with RVOE for nationals, and own academic higher degrees of the university (Grados Propios) without RVOE.

Official notification of the Registry of Educational Establishments, No. 15-00084: registered in the first section of the Book 71-VIII of Educational Institutions, on page 129, as a Private Institution with Recognition of the Official Validity of Studies, awarded by the General Directorate of Higher Education of the Sub-Secretary of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Secretary of Public Education SEP.

It also has the right to conduct distance studies and to grant the respective Academic Degrees and International Degrees in accordance with Articles 59 and 60 of the General Education Law.

Azteca University periodically conducts a self-evaluation of international distance study programs in accordance with the standards of the ODLQC Open & Distance Learning Quality Council, (British)

Azteca University has been Audited and Certified by AFQ Akademie Futurum Qualitas (Berlin, Germany) according to:


Azteca University has received the «Mexican Institution of the Year 2013» Award during the VI Edition of the Mexico Quality Summit organized by the Latin American Quality Institute (LAQI), thus obtaining recognition for its delivery to quality and innovation in Mexico.

Azteca University is certified by the LAQI Latin American Quality Institute in Quality Management System, receiving the Global Quality Certification by the Latin American Quality Institute (LAQI).

Universidad Azteca European Programmes at Austria is registered by THE AGENCY FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE AND ACCREDITATION AQ, AUSTRIA.

Azteca University has been registered and listed at the Berlin Ministry of Education in Germany

Universidad Azteca European Programmes is an approved member of the European Association for Distance Learning EADL of the United Kingdom.

From 2013 to 2017, Azteca University received the accreditation as "PREMIER PROVIDER" status by ASIC, Accreditation Service for International Colleges, Schools & Universities, based in the UK, is a UK Border Agency recognized Accreditation Body, a member of the British Quality Foundation (BQF), sits on the Quality Standards Group of UK NARIC, is listed in the international registry for the UK of CHEA, the US Council for Higher Education Accreditation, and is a national UK Affiliate of ENQA, the European Network of Quality Assurance for Higher Education, which recognizes ASIC as a bona fide quality assurance agency. This accreditation expired; in the meantime, we are working on a different UK accrediting agency.

The University awards undergraduate Bachelor, graduate Master, postgraduate Master, Doctoral, and Post-Doctoral Degrees in international programs in accordance with the Bologna Process and issues a Diploma Supplement. Universidad Azteca collaborates with other universities globally and branch campus facilities in Austria, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, Africa, Sri Lanka, and India.