Be entered to win a LEGO® Education BricQ Motion Prime Set

Subscribe to PRME's newsletter and be entered to win a LEGO® Education BricQ Motion Prime Set - a the ultimate hands-on learning tool with a retail price of $160 (USD). With NGSS, ISTE, CSTA, and CCSS-aligned lessons, plus easy-to-follow building instructions, it’s an effortless way to engage students in STEM learning.


PRME Chapter Eurasia

To advance the PRME agenda in the region and promote responsible management education and sustainable mindsets
Key areas

  • Partnerships, Curriculum, Research, Thematic focus on specific SDG(s)

Regional Programme of Activity

  • Engaging new members to the PRME network
  • Integration of the principles of responsible management education into the HEIs’ activities
  • Promotion of the UN SDGs and their implementation in educational processes
  • Providing opportunities for international activities for Chapter Signatories (academic and research)
  • Offering a platform for knowledge sharing and networking for PRME and Chapter Eurasia Signatories

i5 PRME WORKSHOP (Ural Federal University, Russia, Ekaterinburg)

We invite you to take part in an in-person seminar with a certificate on innovative and creative pedagogical methods of the i5 initiative supported by the PRME community (UN Principles of Sustainable Development in Education).
The seminar will be held at Graduate School of Economics and Management of Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg, Russia) on November 14, 2024.
As part of the seminar, the program of which was developed jointly with LEGO, participants will practice methods for incorporating educational techniques to train business leaders ready to address global challenges and contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Master class leaders, deputy chairpersons for training and research of the Eurasian branch of PRME:
· Aurora Diaz-Soloaga (MsM), i5 pedagogy expert
· Dr. Ekaterina Ivanova, certified i5 trainer

Moderator: Zhanna Belyaeva, Academic Director of the GSEM UrFU

The Graduate School of Economics and management is a member of the Eurasian PRME Section and will act as a platform for the i5 initiative.
Participation is free of charge and in-person. The number of places is limited. Registration is required. Participants will receive an i5 PRME certificate. The language of the event is Russian.
Registration of participants:

The seminar is held within the framework of the XIX International Conference "Russian Regions in the Focus of Change" (November 14-16, 2024, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia)


🌐 Join the PRME Global Students Ambassador Program in Eurasia

In partnership with the PRME Global Students (PGS), the PRME Chapter Eurasia is thrilled to announce the launch of the PGS Ambassador Program in Eurasia - a unique opportunity for students across the region to engage in a transformative leadership education experience.

The PGS Ambassador Program is a 10-week workshop training that will take place on ten consecutive Saturdays from 12 October to 14 December 2024. Each class will last two hours from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm CET, and professors representing the PRME Working Groups will lecture in the Program, thus sharing their expertise in various global issues to empower students to drive change and promote sustainability and responsible management within their academic and professional communities. This is a fantastic chance for students to connect with like-minded peers, develop leadership skills, and contribute to global sustainability efforts.

The PGS Ambassador Program is implemented by a dedicated student-led PGS Taskforce led by the co-coordinators, Muhammad Daffa Adjisena and Suhani Khera (cc'd), with support from Paulo Speroni from the PRME Secretariat.

🌏 Open to students from PRME Signatory Members in Eurasia.

Students from all levels (undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D.) enrolled in PRME Signatory Member institutions in the Eurasia region are encouraged to join the Program either through the application form or by recommendation from faculty members from PRME Chapter Eurasia (see more details below).

📅 Application period.

The application window is open from 16 September to 03 October 2024.

Students can apply using the application form (deadline: 03 October at 11:59 pm EST).

Around 20 students will be selected to participate in this Program's edition.

🙋 Direct recommendations from faculty members in Eurasia!

We would highly appreciate your direct recommendations for students to participate in the Program. Therefore, if you have an outstanding student you believe must be enrolled in the Program, please email their names to the Program Coordinators, Muhammad Daffa Adjisena and Suhani Khera (cc'd), so they can prioritize their application. Due to the limited seats in the Program, we will do our best to accommodate 1-2 students from each PRME Signatory Member in Eurasia.

📢 Please help us to spread the word in your campus!

Please help us promote this opportunity among your students on your campus! To help you share this opportunity broadly, we’ve included a visual brochure below this email so that you can easily forward it to students on your campus! Additionally, please follow the PGS LinkedIn to repost our messages about the Program's application.

More info:


Solve Climate by 2030 Multi-Stakeholder Recommendations for Responsible Management Education in Eurasia

Event Partners: Narxoz University, Bard College (Bard Center for Environmental Policy), Global Compact Office Kazakhstan, Business Schools for Climate Leadership Africa, Central Asian Regional Environmental Center (Kazakhstan Country Office), UNESCO


The 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29 UNFCCC) is scheduled for November 11-24 in Baku, Azerbaijan. COP29 will serve as a pivotal platform for negotiating international climate policies, advancing climate action, and fostering global cooperation to achieve a sustainable and resilient future. Among the many stakeholders who will participate in the deliberations and negotiations at the annual climate conference, academia and business have a significant role to play in accelerating the climate agenda.

The projected rise in earth’s temperature will be disastrous for people and the planet. In just one generation, the global temperature is projected to warm by 1.5 degrees Celsius and between 2-4 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. Therefore, proactive measures must be taken now to prevent it.

Building from a similar event hosted by PRME Chapter Eurasia co-Chair, Narxoz University, prior to COP26, the Narxoz team have partnered with the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), the academic initiative of the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate responsibility network, to initiate dialogue and develop recommendations for business and academia ahead of COP29.

Concept of the event

This online event aims to engage in a multi-stakeholder dialogue, with academia, businesses, students, civil society and the governments of the Eurasian region, in order to produce recommendations on the future of responsible business and management education in the lead up to the COP. This will be done recognizing the unique geographical and cultural connections these countries have and shared interests for climate change mitigation and adaptation.


The intended outcome of this event is to prepare a set of multi-stakeholder recommendations in three categories, and to be delivered to business, governments and higher education institutions, ahead of COP negotiations. The three categories include:

  1. Recommendations for governments (including education ministries) and higher education institutions for making ambitious climate commitments in their policies, strategies, and curricula.
  2. Recommendations for business on how higher education and the private sector can collaborate to accelerate the SDGs and take bold climate action together (i.e through applied research projects).
  3. Recommendations from students for the above two categories (business and higher ed), on what are needs and wants of the next generation of business leaders in terms of green skills and green jobs. This section will also be informed by the outcomes of the UN’s Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) Student Action Group event during the High Level Political Forum.
    1. `Green Skills and Green Jobs Report launched at the HESI-SAG event in PRME, Global Compact offices on 17 July

In parallel, this online event will be used as a precursor for launching and promoting initiatives during COP29 side events and pavilions. Such initiatives can include but are not limited to: the Business Schools for Climate Leadership (BS4CL) for Eurasia, exploring how business schools can contribute to the implementation of the recommendations, exploring topical issues common among the Eurasian countries.



First i5 Workshop in Tbilisi, Georgia!

In collaboration with GRUNI (Grigol Robakidze University - new PRME Chapter Eurasia signatory) and SEU (Georgian National University)
Save the date:
Date and time: Wed. 16th of October 2024, 10.00am. Place: GRUNI

More details:


Please welcome our PRME Global Students Regional Leaders in Eurasia for 2024-2025 term!

Abulkhan Alimkhan - Narxoz University;
Aleksandra Tserakhava - IBS RANEPA;

More info:


Academy of the State Cutoms Committee, Republic of Azebaijan

April 24th, 2024

Cross-domain Competences for healthy and Safe Work in the 21st century (WORK4CE) project implemented in the framework of the EU Erasmus+ CBHE programme 619034-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Pilot Teaching Event at ASCCA Green and Sustainable World in Industry 4.0: Leveraging the Digital Multidisciplinary Workforce Competences

Tashkent institute of Chemical Technology.

International Scientific Week "Sustainable Development and Green Economy " on May 14-18, 2024.

The purpose of the International Scientific Week “Sustainable Development and Green Economy” is a wide international exchange of fundamental and practical scientific achievements, new approaches in areas traditionally included in the field of green economy, chemistry and technology (ecological economics, environmental economics, low-carbon economic development, protection of biodiversity and ecosystem services, environmentally sustainable economic progress, new methods for the synthesis of chemical compounds, chemical catalysis, safe energy-saving and waste-free technological production, сircular economy etc.), organizing international events aimed at increasing student interest in technical fields, popularizing basic sciences and developing international cooperation in research activities in the field of chemistry, biology and chemical technology

STEERING COMMITTEE (as of April 2024)

Co-Chair & Kazakhstan Focal Point Marzhan Berniyazova, Accreditation officer, KIMEP University, Kazakhstan

Co-Chair & Partnerships Focal Point Brendan Duprey, Narxoz University

General Secretary Evgenia Pashkevich

Vice-Chair for Research Ekaterina Ivanova

Vice-Chair for Education Aurora Diaz Soloaga

Vice-Chair for Student Affairs Navruz Erkaev

Treasurer Aliya Akpayeva

Co-Chair & Kazakhstan Focal Point Marzhan Berniyazova, Accreditation officer, KIMEP University, Kazakhstan (

Co-Chair & Head of International Programs and Partnerships Brendan Duprey, PhD, NARXOZ University, Kazakhstan

PRME Chapter Eurasia LinkedIn profile:

For Signatory Members:

Chapter Eurasia Website Publication Form;

Impactful Five (i5) Playbook
Impactful Five (i5) Playbook Download Impactful Five (i5) Playbook URL
Impactful Five (i5) Playbook [Russian]
Impactful Five (i5) Playbook [Russian] Download Impactful Five (i5) Playbook [Russian] pdf
Solve Climate by 2030: Multi-Stakeholder Recommendations for Responsible Management Education in Eurasia
Solve Climate by 2030: Multi-Stakeholder Recommendations for Responsible Management Education in Eurasia Download Solve Climate by 2030: Multi-Stakeholder Recommendations for Responsible Management Education in Eurasia PDF
March 2025

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