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The PRME Nordic Chapter consists of PRME signatories from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
The first informal meeting of this group was held at Copenhagen Business School (Denmark) in June 2013 during the Sustainability in a Scandinavian Context Conference. In September 2013, a second meeting for the PRME Chapter Nordic was held alongside the 2013 PRME Summit – 5th Annual Assembly in Bled, Slovenia. Following these two meetings, the PRME Chapter Nordic became established on 13 September 2014, after formalising a Memorandum of Understanding between the Chapter and the PRME Secretariat.
Chapter mission
The PRME Chapter Nordic has the aim to build a network based on further promoting the “cooperative advantage” of the Nordic business context and has determined the following next steps and commitments:
Strategic Goals
•Goal: Expand carbon literacy. Theoretical framing. Add module on biodiversity (and potentially later, on water). This allows for tools to strengthen the implementation of the PRME SDG Blueprint
•Goal: Advance RME regulatory mapping in the Nordics and advance measurement/qualitative models to understand embedding of RME. Review against the SDG blueprint
•Goal: Nordic advancement of WIL, case studies and research in collaboration with UNGC and other stakeholders
•Goal: Nordic RME / sustainability textbook – outcome of Ph.D. course and continuation of Nordic sustainability Ph.D. Course
•Goal: Strengthen research collaborations on RME
Current main areas of collaboration
2023 Annual Meeting, CBS, Copenhagen
In August 2023, PRME Chapter Nordic held its Annual Member Meeting in a hybrid format. During the meeting, member delegates agreed on main upcoming activities and governance structure.
The meeting included a knowledge sharing experience with CBS faculty in charge of the CBS Permahaven - a campus garden built on the principles of permaculture and an online presentation and i5 workshop held by the Nordic i5 lead, Samuel Petros Sabhatu.
Past meetings
The 2015 PRME Chapter Meeting Nordic took place on 8-9 June at Copenhagen Business School in Copenhagen, Denmark. In addition to other Nordic business schools that may host PRME Regional Meetings and Chapter Meetings Nordic, the Copenhagen Business School has committed to host the Sustainability in a Scandinavian Context conference every second year during which time a PRME Nordic Chapter is scheduled to be included.
The 3rd PRME Chapter Meeting Nordic was held in September 2016 at Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden.
The 4th PRME Chapter Meeting Nordic took place in September 2017.
3rd PRME Chapter Nordic Symposium, 4-5 March 2024
The exceptionally collegiate and Nordic focused symposium for Sharing RME research, Pedagogy/ educational methods and tools, paper development, and networking for the PRME Nordic chapter. The symposium started in 2020.
The main goal of the symposium is to bring together the PRME Nordic chapter community and to drive societal impact through innovative and entrepreneurial ways that are grounded in the PRME.
The symposium is also having Key note, PRME Impactful Five (i5) Workshop, and other activities.
Key Note Speakers
The importance of sustainable ecosystem transformation practice - Integrate research and education for sustainability.
Held in a hybrid format at Karlstad Business School and organized by Samuel Petros Sabhatu in collaboration with Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan and Lavinia Iosif-Lazar.
The Nordic PhD course “Sustainability and CSR in the Nordic Context” (2022-2023 edition)
Member schools initiatives in support of Ukraine (2022)
A quick overview of some support initiatives from across Nordic Business Schools and Universities.
Chapter Chair
PRME Chapter Nordic is currently chaired by Copenhagen Business School.
Chapter Chair: Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan,
Project Lead: Lavinia Cristina Iosif-Lazar,
Steering Committee
The PRME Chapter Nordic formed a Steering Committee in the first quarter of 2022. Each of the Nordic countries is represented.
The Steering Committee meets twice a year and on an ad-hoc as needed basis. First meeting of SC Nordic took place in November 2022.
Steering Committee members
Anders Sandoff Ph.D, Business Administration, Senior Lecturer, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Samuel Petros Sebhatu Ph.D, Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor, Karlstad University, Sweden
Caroline Ditlev-Simonsen Ph.D, Law and Governance, Professor, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
Nikodemus Solitander Ph.D, Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility, Postdoctoral Researcher, Director, Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Jan Hermes D.Sc, Marketing, Management and International Business, Assistant Professor, Oulu University, Finland
Karin Alm Econ. Lic., Ph.D Candidate, Business Administration, Accomplished Lecturer, Kristianstad University, Sweden
Guénola Abord-Hugon Nonet Ph.D, Business Administration, Lecturer, Jönköping International Business School, Sweden
Stefan Wendt PhD, professor and Dean of the Department of Business, Bifröst University, Iceland
Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan, Academic Director, CBS PRME, Copenhagen Business School Denmark
For more information, please contact:
Chapter Chair: Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan (
Project Lead: Lavinia Cristina Iosif-Lazar (
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