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The Polish Chapter of PRME (PC PRME) officially started its activities in February 2021 (talks and preparations for its establishment started already in 2020). Its Steering Commitee is composed of the scientists representing all major universities in the country, some of which are institutional members of PRME.
Members of both the Commitee and Scientific (Advisory) Board are eminent researchers and academic teachers, most of them have numerous scientific and organizational achievements in studying and promoting the issues of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. Among them there are economists, chemists, engineers, environmental or agribusiness specialists.
The goal of the PC PRME’s activities is to promote among students, but also in the entire academic community, the knowledge on the importance of acting and thinking in terms of the common good (even at a basic level - in everyday choices), especially when it comes to environmental protection. We also highlight the value of shaping the awareness of how much depends on our individual efforts and cooperation both within the space of individual universities as well as between universities and in the wider, i.e. international formula. PC PRME members also aim to convince the authorities of their home institutions to support and undertake various actions in the area of corporate social responsibility, sustainable development (in particular - ecology), as well as to include related content in the educational curricula and projects (also didactic) realized by the academic institutions they personally represent.
The abundance of initiatives of Polish HEIs on the fields of social and ecological responsibility - mainly the universities of economy and business represented by Polish Chapter PRME Steering Committee's members - was well reflected in the first on-line conference organised in March 2021. You can see more details on the programme of the event here
Poland has always been in the very heart of Europe: mentally, spiritually, politically and socially. Not as an empire covering in mid. XVII century almost 1 mln square km (equivalent to ca. 1/4 of today's EU territory), but mainly as a first European democracy and really multicultural country. In spite of tough, painfull history and the fact that Poland broke free from Soviet occupation only 32 years ago, Polish people have always had open minds, entrepreneurial nature and active souls „loving freedom”.
Thanks to that, although ideas of social and ecological responsiblity were flourishing firstly in West European countries, we are not lagging behind. This is reflected in the active involvement of Polish universities in a wide range of activities related to the implementation of the Social Development Goals - through both bottom-up initiatives and those created and supported by academic authorities.
The number of projects, programs and actions in this area is enormous, and here we will be able to show only a part of them. Polish universities prepare and publish reports showing their engagement in practical implementation of sustainability principles and educating young generations in the spirit of responsibility for social and natural environment (some of them can be found in the "Resources" tab). Some activities are undertaken on a national and intercollegiate level. One of the most important is the activity of the Working group for social responsibility of HEIs" established in 2017. This body operates at the Team for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility, an auxiliary body of the Minister of Funds and Regional Policy, which provides a platform for cooperation of the entire government administration with business representatives and socio-economic partners.
The purpose of the Working Group is to disseminate the principles of the university's social responsibility, which were defined by the academic community in the Declaration of Social Responsibility of Universities (for more info: )
The Declaration constitutes a voluntary commitment of colleges and universities to promote the idea of sustainable development and social responsibility in their educational programmes and managerial and organisational solutions.It entails strategic and systemic approach to managing a university, building cooperation and dialogue with stakeholders, which contributes to:
The abundance of initiatives of Polish HEIs - mainly the universities of economy and business represented by Polish Chapter PRME Steering Committee's members - was well reflected in the first on-line conference organised in March 2021. You can see more details on the programme of the event here:
Below You get more information about the activities of our HEIs
Nasz Świat – piękna zielona planeta kurczy się nie dlatego, że dotarliśmy do jej najodleglejszych zakątków. Kurczy się dlatego, że człowiek – jedyna istota myśląca – niszczy, brudzi i demoluje ją bez opamiętania. I to podobno w imię rozwoju. Nikt z nas w pojedynkę nie może zdziałać wiele, by zahamować działania korporacji czy powiązanych z nimi rządów. Możemy jednak absolutnie samodzielnie zrobić bardzo dużo – w naszym życiu, w naszym bliższym czy dalszym otoczeniu – postępując tak, by ograniczyć drenaż zasobów. W imię zrównoważonego rozwoju: naszego małego domowego czy lokalnego, ale też wielkiego globalnego świata. Sposobów i pomysłów jest mnóstwo. Pokaż nam, jaki jest Twój!
Represented at PRME by Assoc. Professor Wojciech Zysk and Ph.D. Monika Sady
Activities in the field of sustainability and social responsibility result from taking formal and informal actions at the Cracow University of Economics (CUE), that go beyond the statutory tasks of the university. These activities contribute to greater comfort of work and study, as well as better cooperation with the academy’s wider environment. As a result, the university becomes a special place in the respect of social responsibility and embodies practical realization of sustainability ideas. Thus - can be a model for other organizations. Below a few of the initiatives and strategies implemented at CUE.
I. Taskforce for University Social and Ecological Development Within Cracow University of Economics there exist so called “Taskforce for Social and Environmental Development” (TSED). The appointment of the TSED in 2020 was an expression of the growing importance of sustainable development scopes at the University.
The main goal of this special body is a systematization of activities in the field of social responsibility and sustainable development undertaken by CUE. The team organized around TSED is responsible for initiating, supporting, organizing, mapping, as well as communicating socially responsible activities and representing CUE in various institutions and organizations. The team's task is also openness to the entire community of the university, its ideas, needs and expectations. The taskforce also creates a database of indicators for social and environmental reporting and conducts extensive research to properly be able to create the sustainable development strategy for CUE. The taskforce is also responsible for active particiation in PRME and UN Global Compact.
“We believe that every little action contributes to creating a better space and a friendlier atmosphere at our university. When looking for new solutions, we use the knowledge and experience of our employees, whose expertise allows us to create better quality.”
II. Social Responsibility Report
"In search of university excellence" is a collection of many years of activities of the Cracow University of Economics and long-term activities contributing to the sustainable development of the University. You can find the report here.
The report includes activities aimed at employees, students, doctoral students, graduates, candidates for studies, the business and social environment, as well as activities aimed at natural ecosystem protection and popularization of the CSR idea.
The report also contains information about the university itself. CUE signed the Diversity Charter (an international initiative of the European Commission for the promotion and dissemination of the policy of equal treatment and diversity management in the workplace, coordinated in Poland by the Responsible Business Forum) and the University's Declaration of Social Responsibility (established by the Working Group for Education and Popularization of CSR, which is a subgroup of the Team for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility, which is an auxiliary body of the Ministry of Development and Finance; the Declaration contains 12 points that refer to the principles and constitute obligations conditioning the university's social responsibility). The University also obtained the HR Excellence in Research award, which is awarded by the European Commission to institutions that effectively implement a strategy for creating optimal working conditions and career development for researchers (The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers). The strategy is based on 40 principles contained in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers.
The report also distinguishes a number of areas of socially responsible activities at the university. It also presents the concrete initiatives taken by CUE in the appointed fields. Below a few of the areas covered on the Report.
1.Work culture:
Sensitivity to social responsibility of other entities:
Dissemination of knowledge and skills:
Building a culture of sharing and a collaborative economy:
natural environment:
Intellectual, physical and cultural development
III. Accessibility for people with disabilities
The university implements the PO WER project (financed by the European Social Fund) - CUE AVAILABLE TO ALL. As part of the project, activities related to the modification of the university's organizational structure, changes in architecture to increase accessibility, extension of the scope of technological support, modification and extension of procedures supporting accessibility, modification and extension of the scope of educational support, implementation of training activities increasing the awareness of disability and appointment of a center for the CUE accessibility improvement.
IV. Green University. The concept of implementing ecological ideas at the University of Economics in Krakow
In 2020, a strategic document - Green University - was created, containing a detailed list planned of activities for five groups of issues:
Represented at Polish Chapter PRME by professor Agnieszka Domańska
In 2019 SGH Warsaw School of Economics celebrated its tenth anniversary of PRME membership (see: However, SGH has been realizing numerous projects and activities on the field of social and ecological responsibility and in the scope of sustainability not only because it is proud to be the part of global PRME family. We do it as we feel it is our moral obligation of today but also strong duty for the future generations we teach and mentally shape. Taking the wider all-Poland perspective, the coordinator of the inter-university working group for social responsibility of Polish universities since 2020 is the Rector of SGH Piotr Wachowiak, PhD, Professor of SGH.
Selected SGH Warsaw School of Economics' activities in the area of social responsibility and sustainability include:
On 7 November 2020 SGH, as the first Polish university, became a member of the Sustainable Development Goals Accord - an agreement between the international academic and scientific community established to implement the Sustainable Development Goals. This initiative was undertaken due to the key role of science and education in the implementation of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN for the period 2015-2030. The SDG Accord is a mutual commitment by Accord participants to implement and report on sustainable development activities and to share best practices in this area.
The Sustainable Development Goals Accord, of which SGH has become a partner, is an agreement between the academic and scientific community, initiated by the British Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges and the Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability. So far, the SDG Accord has been signed by 92 teaching and research institutions from 6 continents. In addition to the Warsaw School of Economics, members of the agreement include: Boston University, Business School Lausanne, Kedge Business School, Kyoto University, University of Copenhagen, University of Edinburgh, University of Manchester, as well as our School's partner universities - Aalto University in Finland and University of Otago in New Zealand.
March 6, 2020. The Warsaw School of Economics has joined the group of signatories of the Diversity Charter. This is an international initiative to promote diversity and equal opportunity in employment, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, disability or religious belief.
Represented at Polish Chapter PRME by professor Joanna Kostecka
For the recent 20 years there have been realized at the University of Rzeszów activities aimed at implementing and consolidating the principles of sustainable development among colleagues, employees, doctoral students and students.
Actions realized in the Department of the Basis of Agriculture And Wase Management (Institite of Agricultural Sciences, Land Management and Environmental Protection)
I. The specificity of the research work carried out at the Department of the Basis of Agriculture And Wase Management has inspired the Institute's team members to create an "Eco-office" ("Ecobureau" or „Ekobiuro” in Polish). The conducted didactic activity additionally motivates to various pro-environmental solutions. Each year the Institute propagates them more and more widely to be able to enjoy the environment rich and biologically diverse. It is important to awaken pro-environmental awareness and social participation! How it works in more details? See below:
And so many other; among it very delicious ones (:
The Ecobureau team underlines: "We use microfiber cloths to clean monitors and computers. We use eco-friendly laundry for lab coats. We group order food from local suppliers (following the food-miles principle) or with fair trade (fair trade) logos."
"We also organize meetings where we exchange books and magazines thus saving paper. We use the newspapers we read to prepare herbariums (drying plants which serve as teaching aids during classes)".
Employees of the University of Rzeszów make traditional, regional preserves in their free time "We pass our recipes on to each other and share the harvest from our own crops, which promotes a healthy eating style" - says the Ekobureau team.
II. Department of the Basis of Agriculture and Wase Management employees participate in sustainability education activities both nationally and in Europe. Among the initiatives organized by the Departement's team there can be mentioned:
SUMMARY: The implementation of the "sustainability tasks" undertaken at the University of Rzeszów is aimed particularly at organizing a pro-environmental style of work and life (ecological boxes in the office rooms, use of created vermicompost, saving paper, refilling of used toners, waste segregation, charity actions, environmentally friendly lifestyle on a daily basis and educational activities).
Organizations and eco-office management also support the results of ongoing research relevant to innovation in sustainable waste management. Research and solution of current problems lead to promotion of environmentally friendly lifestyles of various age groups in Polish society.
Represented at Polish Chapter PRME by Assoc. Professor Renata Marks-Bielska
There are a few initiatives realized at the University Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.
I. One of them deserving a special attention is the cooperation with the company JANPOL Technologie, in the field of environmental education with the use of a mobile RES platform (patented by the company).
The company Janpol Technologie Sp. z o.o., apart from pyrolytic installations, is also involved in installing independent systems for generation of energy from renewable sources (e.g. solar collectors to heat water for household purposes, and photovoltaic panels). Janpol Technologie Sp. z o.o. makes a contribution to the development and dissemination of innovative technologies, but it also raises ecological awareness in society.
According to the company’s president, it is advisable to start and awake ecological awareness at the earliest possible level of education. The early pre-school years seem particularly appropriate for shaping new, eco-friendly attitudes and habits, as this is aided by the natural sensitivity and curiosity of young children towards the surrounding world, as well as their willingness to learn and act. The most challenging, but at the same time the most important task in ecological education is to break stereotypes and to change habits among children, adolescents and adults.
The most effective methods in education are active teaching strategies, which stimulate children’s imagination and encourage them to act. Forms of ecological education and formation, connected with school education but carried out outside school buildings, are worth attention. Examples include shows and talks addressed to children and teenagers at different levels in the education system prepared by the company Janpol and given with the help of a nationwide unique mobile Educational RES Platform.
The inventor of this device (a set of equipment) is the company’s president, Mr Jan Falkowski, who patented his invention. The patent’s author had assembled different types of energy generating devices (a flat solar collector, a photovoltaic panel, an air source heat pump, a wind turbine and peripheral equipment) and created one, coherent system, which can be used to showcase how renewable energy sources work.
The educational events, organised under the umbrella of the Promyk Energii Foundation (Ray of Energy Foundation), which are dedicated to the issues of RES and conducted by the Janpol Technologie Sp. z o.o. staff members, are attended by employees of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.
II. Very important set of initiatives organized by the University Warmia and Mazury (UWM) in Olsztyn within the scopes of the sustainable development are the educational programmes aimed at schoolchildren.
Academics from UWM conduct a highly popular series of lectures addressed to children and teenagers called “Let’s discover renewable Energy sources”. The lectures were held during the Olsztyn Days of Science, an annual feature in the calendar of scientific events at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. Apart from the theoretical part and workshops, the participants were able to find out about the practical applications of the RES Educational Platform.
Initiatives like the ones mentioned above are extremely important as they help to improve ecological awareness and shape pro-ecological attitutes in the general public, which is one of the key factors that can positively affect the current and future condition of natural resources (including air, water, soil, biodiversity), functions of ecosystems (such as forests, water bodies, mountains, farmland, etc.) and the quality of the environment in which we live (following such issues as waste management, Energy efficiency, adaptation to the ongoing climate change, mitigation measures, development of low-emission Energy sources.
Represented at PRME by Professor Bożena Ryszawska
Wrocław University of Economics and Business (WUEB) realizes numerous actions and initiatives within the SD goals.
I. WUEB is one of the first Polish Universities which became the institutional member of PRME. Its recent PRME Special Report (Principles for Responsible Management Education “Sharing Information on Progress Report” involving the information on the tasks realized in the academic years 2018/19 and 2019/20) is worth the special attention. The full text of the Report You will find uploaded in the “Resources”.
II. It is also worth to highlight the activities of the Green Team: Centre of Sustainable Development (WUEB).
Here below short overview of the Green Team’s history and its main operations.
1. The Green Team owas established as a Rector's Committee for Social Responsibility on 1.11.2017. The aim of the team is to develop an EU social responsibility strategy in cooperation with all university stakeholders, conduct surveys, organize meetings with representatives of business, non-governmental organizations, local authorities, prepare a Code of Ethics, and introduce the Diversity Charter.
2. On the initiative of the Rector's Committee for Social Responsibility (Green Team), on November 16, 2017, on behalf of the University of Economics, prof. Edmund Cibis, Vice-Rector for Didactics, signed the University's Declaration of Social Responsibility. The ceremony took place in Warsaw during the conference entitled Social Responsibility of Science - challenges for the academic and business community. In total, 22 representatives of the scientific community signed a declaration with us.
3. On March 15, 2018 at 12.00, the university signed an agreement with the leader of the Climate Reality Project regarding the transition to renewable energy on the campus until 2030. The initiator of the project is the Green Team Rector's Commission for Social Responsibility. The University of Economics in Wrocław is the first university in Poland to cooperate with the Climate Reality Project. The founder and patron of this organization is the Nobel laureate, former vice president of the United States Al Gore. As part of the 100% Committed campaign, the organization cooperates with local governments, universities and business around the world initiating and supporting a green energy transformation (
4. Green Team and the Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce organized the climate workshops "On the way to the COP24 Climate Summit in Katowice. Climate negotiations in practice” November 21. The Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce together with the Consulate General of Germany in Wrocław and in cooperation with the BoMiasto Association, the Climate Coalition Agreement, the Institute of Territorial Development, the Rector's Commission for Social Responsibility (Green Team) of the University of Economics in Wrocław and the Ecological Association EKO-UNIA invite We cordially invite you to the workshop in the form of a negotiation game prepared by experts, during which the guests of the meeting will play the roles of Climate Summit participants and take part in simulated sessions aimed at reducing CO2 emissions by half in a specified time.
5.Green Days 2019 University of Economics for the Planet and Future Generations, 16-17.04.2019.
During the meetings, prof. Bożena Ryszawska told What is our responsibility towards the planet and future generations? Then prof. Dorota Teneta-Skwiercz presented the results of the research entitled What do students of UE Wrocław think about the pro-environmental commitment of their University, and prof. Karol Kociszewski spoke about the educational offer of the University of Economics in Wrocław in the area of sustainable development, CSR and green economy. In the afternoon, there was a vegetarian cooking workshop entitled Food for Planet. Zero waste prepared by the employees of Bistro Kamienna (at CKU).Enactus UE students invited to a discussion on a healthy lifestyle in the context - fashion or necessity, in the form of an Oxford debate, the aim of which is to present the thesis, which the opponents of the thesis and its defenders try to prove by the strength of arguments.
6. Energy on the roofs (September 2019)
University of Economics, Youth Climate Strike and Wrocław Solar Power Plant - together for energy transformation - 30 people. The Youth Climate Strike invites you to an open meeting with representatives of the Wrocław Solar Power Plant and members of the "Green Team" of the University of Economics, who will talk about the Polish energy transformation, the development of renewable energy in Poland and the role of society in shaping the strategy of activities at the local level, on the way to achieving complete independence against the consumption of fossil fuels.
During the meeting, we will learn about the history of the establishment of the Wrocław Solar Power Plant, which is a model model of not only switching to renewable energy sources, but also a great example of local community participation in the entire process of designing and implementing this investment. Program of the meeting: • "Green Team" of the University of Economics prof. Bożena Ryszawska and prof. Piotr Szymański - Energy transformation and transformation of civil society, • presentation of the project of the Wrocław Solar Power Plant - Marek Dera, Vice-President of the Management Board of SM Wrocław-Południe.
7. Multistakeholder panel during the Finance and Sustainability international Conference 2019 "Co-creation and Scalings in urban energy transition - case of Wroclaw".
Green Team organized a panel during the Finance and Sustainability Conference. The panel was titled "Co-creation and Scalings in urban energy transition - case of Wroclaw" and was conducted by Piotr Szymański, Magdalena Rozwadowska, Bożena Ryszawska. The panel consisted of scientists, researchers, citizens of Wroclaw and Finance and Sustainability conference participants. The main axis of the discussion were: how co-creation practices are carried on in projects in the field of Urban Energy, how to scale up co-creation, how to integrate society around energy transition, how to scale projects in the field of Urban Energy
8. Workshop about the sustainability co-creation of universities with students of Public Finance course, January 2020, 20 students. The Green Team conducted intervention that concerned the co-creation on universities. Intervention was held as a workshop with students of Public Finance course. The meeting began with the presentation of the Scaling project, an introduction to co-creation and to the principles of sustainable development. The students debated how they would like to co-create at the university and what conditions are supporting student engagement. The group also indicated elements that in their opinion hindered co-creation at University of Economics in Wroclaw.
9. The School Climate Conference, March 6th, 2020
Students of upper secondary schools together with guardians (teachers) - 300 people were the main target group of the Conference. The undertaking had the patronage of the President of Wrocław Jacek Sutryk and the Eco Development Foundation. The event was organized in the form of lectures and debates. The experts familiarized the youth of Wrocław (and its teachers) with the extremely important issue of climate change allowing the public debate on the individual participation in solving global issues. Dr. hab. Bożena Ryszawska "Green transformation of the economy - economic aspects of the struggle for the natural environment" debate on "Individual changes and system changes" with the participation of our speakers, from the Eco-Development Foundation and the audience.
10. Green Days 2020, University of Economics for the Planet and Future Generations (April 2020).
Green World, Green Work Fair 2020 - Sustainable development of companies during a pandemic, How the Pandemic will affect the policy of sustainable development of companies - Green Team webinar in collaboration with the Business Cooperation Center. Due to the epidemiological threat and cancellation of all events at the university in stationary form was conducted on-line. Never before has the job fair been based on the principles of green development. It should be considered a success of the Green Team. This is another step towards implementing in the University of Economics principles of sustainable development.
11. Green Team has been transformed into the Center for Sustainable Development in December 2020
Represented at PRME by Assoc.Prof. Paweł Mielcarek
Poznan University of Economics and Business signed the declaration to join PRME in July 2012 as one of the first Polish universities to do it. UEP implements activities related to the social responsibility of the university.
I.The idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of a university is understood as voluntarily accepted commitments towards internal and external stakeholders. These commitments are a consequence of respecting the standards and rules of social responsibility of organizations popularized in the international environment, in particular the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) and the ISO 26000 standard. According to the ISO 26000 standard, the idea of social responsibility refers to all types of organizations and is understood as the responsibility for the impact that activities performed within the framework of the organization have on the external environment.
Through transparent and ethical activities, a socially responsible organization contributes to sustainable development, including the health and welfare of socjety. It takes into account the expectations of stakeholders (individuals or groups who are interested in the decisions or actions of the organization);
Socially responsible activities carried out at Poznań University of Economics and Business are in accordance with the applicable law and consistent with international standards of conduct and integrated with the strategic objectives of the organization. Adoption of the programme of social responsibility of the university is the response to social expectations concerning the positive implementation of the mission ascribed to the university - public service
II. The Declaration of Social Responsibility (Deklaracja Społecznej Odpowiedzialności Uczelni, SOU) of the Poznań University of Economics and Business refers to the following assumptions:
The assumption of the SOU program implemented at the Poznań University of Economics and Business (UEP) is to undertake and support activities aimed at realizing the traditionally understood mission of the university referring to the academic ethos. At the same time, this programme should not be treated as an imposed duty - the subjective treatment of members of the university community and the principle of voluntary commitments requires actions aimed at changing the awareness of the academic community as regards the understanding of the idea of social responsibility and shaping the attitude of social involvement. Thus, the aim of these activities is to assimilate the values of responsibility, authentic commitment and consolidation around common goals.
General objectives:
Achieving the set goals requires taking actions in the area of:
III. One of the examples referring to the implementation of CSR in the daily tasks of students, doctoral students, employees and authorities are the codes of good conduct observed at UEP.
Good manners at UEP mean among others:
Further details for each principle are included in the 2020 report.
Poznań University of Economics and Business' PRME reports from earlier years can be found here:,c13/certyfikaty-i-akredytacje,c83/prme-the-principles-for-responsible-management-education,a73914.html
President of the Polish Chapter PRME (Chair of The Steering Committee)
Assoc. Professor (Dr hab. Prof. SGH) Agnieszka Domańska
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych KES SGH
Institute for International Studies
Collegium of Socio-Economics
Warsaw School of Economics (SGH)
Al. Niepodległości 162, 02-554 Warszawa
Vice-chairman of the Steering Committee
Professor Dariusz Kiełczewski
Department of Social and Economic Development
Chair of the Sustainable Development – Head of the Chair
University of Białystok
Steering Committee's Plenipotentiary for External Communication
Ph.D. Maria Pietrzak
Chair of the International Strategies
Collegium of Management and Finance
Warsaw School of Economics
Steering Committee's Plenipotentiary for Sustainability Mindset
Ph.D. Monika Sady
Head of Taskforce for University Social and Ecological Development
University Social and Environmental Development Unit
Cracow University of Economics
1. prof. dr hab. Dariusz Kiełczewski - Vice President of the Polish Chapter PRME
Katedra Rozwoju Społeczno-Gospodarczego
Zakład Zrównoważonego Rozwoju – Kierownik
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
Professor Dariusz Kiełczewski
Department of Social and Economic Development
Chair of the Sustainable Development – Head of the Chair
University of Białystok
ul. Warszawska 63, pokój 135, Białystok
Tel. (85) 745-77-29
2. Ph.D Anna Waligóra
Pełnomocnik Rektora ds. Społecznej Odpowiedzialności Uczelni
Adiunkt, Katedra Socjologii i Etyki Gospodarczej
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
Rector's Proxy for Social Responsibility of the University
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Business Ethics
Poznań University of Economics and Business
3. M.Phil Michalina Mróz
Katedra Przedsiębiorczości
Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie
Assistant Lecturer in Entrepreneurship Department
University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów
tel:+48 17 866 1436
4. Assoc.Prof. Bożena Matusiak, prof. UŁ
Kierownik Zakładu Analizy Danych i Systemów Inteligentnych Katedry Informatyki na Wydziale Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Zakład Analizy Danych i Systemów Inteligentnych, Wydział Zarządzania
Head of the Department of Data Analysis and Intelligent Systems, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Management, University of Lodz
5.Professor (dr hab. profesor) Renata Marks-Bielska,
Profesor Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych,
Zastępca Przewodniczącego Rady Naukowej Dyscypliny Ekonomia i Finanse
Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych, Katedra Polityki Gospodarczej
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Discipline of Economics and Finance.
Faculty of Economic Sciences University of Warmia and Mazury
ul. Oczapowskiego 4; 10-719 Olsztyn
tel. +48 895234709e-mail:
6. Dr.-Ing. (dr inż.) Mirosława Witkowska-Dąbrowska
Katedra Ekonomiki Przestrzennej i Środowiskowej, Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski
Department of Spatial and Environmental Economics, Faculty of Economic Sciences University of Warmia and Mazury
ul. Oczapowskiego 4, 10-719 Olsztyn
Tel. + 48 895234709
7. Assoc.Prof. (dr hab., prof. UG) Barbara Pawłowska
profesor Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Wydział Ekonomiczny, Katedra Ekonomiki Transportu
Uniwersytet Gdański
Faculty of Economics Chair of Transport Economics
University of Gdańsk
ul. Armii Krajowej 119/121, 81-824 Sopot
Tel. +48 58 52312815
8. Ph.D. (dr) Monika Sady
Kierownik Zespołu. ds. Rozwoju Społecznego i Ekologicznego
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
Head of Taskforce for University Social and Ecological Development
University Social and Environmental Development Unit
Cracow University of Economics
ul. Rakowicka 27, room. 305
31-510 Kraków
Tel.: +48 12 293 5948
Tel.: +48 538 518 196
9. Ph.D (Dr) Maria Pietrzak
Zakład Strategii Międzynarodowych
Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Chair of the International Strategies
Collegium of Management and Finance
Warsaw School of Economics
Al. Niepodległości 162, 02-554 Warszawa
10.Prof. dr hab. (Professor) Joanna Kostecka
Zakład Podstaw Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Odpadami
Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy(KNP)
Instytut Nauk Rolniczych, Ochrony i Kształtowania Środowiska, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
Department of the Basis of Agriculture And Wase Management
Institite of Agricultural Sciences
College Of Natural Sciences University of Rzeszów
ul. Ćwiklińskiej 1 A, budynek D3, 35-601 Rzeszów
Tel. (17) 872 17 28
11.Associate Professor (dr hab. Prof. UEK) Wojciech Zysk
Katedra Handlu Zagranicznego
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
Department of Foreign Trade
Cracow University of Economics
Tel: +48 12 293 51 94
12. Assoc.Prof. (dr hab. Prof. US) Barbara Kryk
Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych i Zarządzania Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych
Uniwersytet Szczeciński
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Polish Association of Environmental and Natural Resource Economists
University of Szczecin
ul. Mickiewicza 64/66, 71-101 Szczecin
13. Professor (Prof.) Bożena Ryszawska
Katedra Finansów Przedsiębiorstw i Finansów Publicznych
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
Department of Corporate and Public Finance
Wrocław University of Economics
President of the Polish Chapter PRME
Assoc.Prof. SGH Agnieszka Domańska
Steering Committee Plenipotentiary for External Communication
Ph.D. Maria Pietrzak
Steering Committee Plenipotentiary for Sustainability Mindset
Ph.D. Monika Sady
February 2025 | ||||||
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