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PRME Chapter UK & Ireland

Please see the PRME UK and Ireland website to find out more about the chapter.

The PRME UK and Ireland Chapter works with higher education institutions and related bodies to support the integration of the Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) in the UK and Ireland.

For a summary of the Chapter's initiatives please visit the Main Activities page.

In 2018, the Chapter established 7 local networks across the UK and Ireland for member institutions to collaborate, share best practice, engage with and develop the PRME Principles and Sustainable Development Goals at a more localised level. The local networks offer a forum to promote PRME, network and participate with local events, themed webinars and other activities.

Find our more about our local networks here.

Chapter Meetings:

The Foundation Meeting of the PRME UK and Ireland chapter was held on 10 May 2013 at Aston Business School. Thirty-two delegates of PRME signatory business and management schools from across the UK and Ireland came together to agree on a Constitution and Steering Committee, and to discuss ideas on the roles, activities, and events for the new Chapter.

The 1st UK and Ireland PRME Chapter Conference was held at Winchester Business School, 8-9 April 2014, in conjunction with The Future of Capitalism Conference. The conference was held in conjunction with The Future of Capitalism Conference

The 2nd UK and Ireland PRME Chapter Annual Conference was held on 29-30 June 2015 at Glasgow Caledonian University.

The 3rd UK and Ireland PRME Chapter Annual Conference was held on 19-22 June 2016 and hosted jointly by Nottingham Business School and Nottingham University Business School and also two related networks (PRME and European Business Ethics Network EBEN).

The 4th UK and Ireland PRME Chapter Annual Conference was held at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University 26th and 27th June 2017. As 2017 was PRME’s 10th Anniversary year, the theme of the conference was “Envisioning the Future of Responsible Management Education in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals”.

The 5th UK and Ireland PRME Chapter Annual Conference was held at Queen Mary, University of London under the theme of ‘Leaving no one behind' - inclusive responsible management education in an era of precarity’.

The 6th UK and Ireland PRME Chapter Annual Conference was hosted by Leeds University Business School in July 2019. The conference theme directly engaged with PRME's vision “to realise the Sustainable Development Goals through responsible management education”, and echoed the UN Global Compact’s call for “Making Global Goals Local Business”.

In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic led to the cancellation of the planned conference at the University of Lincoln in the English Midlands. However, the Chapter Steering Committee hosted an alternative half day online event exploring the impact of the pandemic on responsible management education.

The 7th UK and Ireland PRME Chapter Annual Conference and AGM was held at University of Lincoln in June 2021. After a two year break, the UK and Ireland PRME community met online for the 7th annual conference focused on the theme: Crises and the Re-thinking of Responsibility. For the first time the Chapter also offered a Doctoral Colloquium, providing doctoral students across the Chapter membership an opportunity to meet, receive peer and expert panel feedback on their work and make early connections within the wider sustainability and responsibility academic community.

The 8th UK and Ireland PRME Chapter Annual Conference was hosted by Hull University ran from June 28th to June 29th 2022 and was preceded by a Doctoral Colloquium on the 27th June. The conference theme was 'The UN's Decade of Action: driving it, slowing it or playing catch up?'

The 9th UK and Ireland PRME Chapter Annual Conference brought the chapter back to Aston University on the 26th to 28th June 2023, where the foundation meeting was held 10 years prior. The conference theme was "Reflecting, refreshing, and re-envisioning" and celebrated 10 years of the chapter.

Please see the PRME UK and Ireland website to find our more about the chapter.

For the most updated information on the Chapter's activities, please visit the chapter's LinkedIn page and chapter Events Calendar.

Join our Mailing List to read the monthly newsletter from the Chapter's chair.

PRME UK and Ireland Chapter Competitions

The Chapter holds three annual funding competitions:

  • Student Writing Competition, aimed at engaging students
  • Faculty Research Seed Funding Competition, to stimulate collaborative scholarly activity
  • Faculty Innovative Pedagogy Competition, to integrate the 6 Principles and the SDGs in to the curriculum

Find out about our previous competition winners on the PRME UK and Ireland site here.

PRME UK and Ireland Chapter Events

Access our Events Calendar to find out about more about upcoming events. The UK and Ireland Chapter organises local in-person events through our 7 Local Networks as well as chapter-wide webinars and in-person events.

The PRME UK and Ireland Chapter has hosted an Annual Conference and AGM at one of our member institutions since 2014. Since 2021, the Chapter has also offered a Doctoral Colloquium during our Annual Conference, providing doctoral students an opportunity to meet, receive peer and expert panel feedback on their work and make early connections within the wider sustainability and responsibility academic community.

For the Chapter's 10th Anniversary in 2023, our Local Networks have been hosting events on the theme of SDG 2: Zero Hunger. Read about our anniversary events on our Tenth Anniversary Blog. Please get in contact with you Local Network lead to find out more about the events coming up in your area.

The Chapter's next Annual Conference will be held in 2024 at Exeter University.

Impactful 5 Programme

The PRME ‘Impactful Five’ (i5) Program is an ambitious project to nurture responsible leaders by integrating collaborative, meaningful and playful learning among global leadership educators.

The PRME i5 European Expert Pedagogy Group are delighted to announce they will be hosting the i5 Literacy Certification Scheme webinar series. Please contact the UK and Ireland European i5 ExPeg Representative, a nd Chapter Vice-Chair, Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas to find out more on how to engage with the i5 programme.

i5 resources:

Stage 1 Webinar PRME i5 ExPeg Literacy Certification Scheme

i5 Playbook

Resources available to members:

Inspirational Guides


Sustainable Literacy Test

Education for Sustainable Development


Please see the PRME UK and Ireland website to find out more about the Chapter Governance and Steering Commitee.

Officers and Steering Committee of the Chapter:

Chair: Professor Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas, Glasgow Caledonian University London (

Vice-Chair: Laura Steele, Queen’s Management School Belfast (

Treasurer: Nishat Azmat, University of Birmingham

The Steering Committee Members of the Chapter:

Dr Karen Cripps, Oxford Brookes Business School

Dr Georgina Gough, UWE Bristol

Dr Ann Hindley, Liverpool John Moores University

Dr Claire May, University of Lincoln

Dr Karen Neville, Cork University Business School

Dr Mohamed Saeudy, University of Bedfordshire

Dr Rachel Welton, Nottingham Trent University

Dr Adrian Bailey, University of Exeter

Dr Steve Kenzie, Executive Director, Global Compact UK Network (Ex-Officio)

Find us on our social channels:




Join our Mailing List to stay up to date with the chapter.

For more information, please contact:

Chair: Professor Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas, Glasgow Caledonian University London (

Vice-Chair: Laura Steele, Queen’s Management School Belfast (


Administrator: Jackie Hicken,

Signatory Members

Aberdeen Business School Adam Smith Business School Alliance Manchester Business School Apsley Business School Arden University Aston University Bath Spa University Bayes Business School Birmingham Business School Birmingham City Business School Bloomsbury Institute Bournemouth University Business School BPP University Bradford University School of Management Brighton Business School Brunel University London Cardiff Business School Cardiff Metropolitan University College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby Cork University Business School (CUBS) & Irish Management Institute (IMI) Cranfield School of Management De Montfort University, Faculty of Business and Law Dublin City University Business School Durham Business School Edinburgh Business School Edinburgh Napier University Business School Essex Business School Faculty of Business & Management, Chester Business School Faculty of Business and Law, Anglia Ruskin University Faculty of Business and Law, Coventry University Faculty of Business and Law, University of Northampton Faculty of Business and Management, University of Wales Trinity Saint David Faculty of Business, Atlantic Technological University Faculty of Business, Law and Tourism, University of Sunderland Glasgow Caledonian University Henley Business School Hull University Business School Institute of Business, Industry and Leadership, University of Cumbria J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics, National University of Ireland, Galway Keele Business School Kemmy Business School Kent Business School, University of Kent King's Business School Kingston Business School Lancaster University Leeds Business School, Leeds Beckett University Leeds University Business School Liverpool Business School London College of Fashion London School of Management Education London South Bank University Loughborough Business School Manchester Metropolitan University Business School Maynooth University, School of Business Middlesex University Business School Munster Technological University Newcastle Business School, University of Northumbria Newcastle University Business School Norwich Business School Nottingham Business School Nottingham University Business School Oxford Brookes Business School Oxford Business College Portsmouth Business School Queen Margaret Business School Queen's Business School Richmond American International University in London Royal Docks School of Business and Law, University of East London School of Business and Management - Queen Mary University of London School of Business, Economics and Informatics, Birkbeck School of Business, University of Central Lancashire School of Business, University of Leicester School of Management, Royal Holloway School of Management, University of Bath Sheffield Business School Sheffield University Management School Staffordshire Business School Strathclyde Business School Surrey Business School Teesside University The Faculty of Business and Law, The Open University The School of Management - Swansea University The University of Liverpool Management School Trinity Business School TU Dublin College of Business UCD College of Business Ulster University Business School University College of the Cayman Islands University for the Creative Arts, UK University of Aberdeen Business School University of Bedfordshire Business School University of Dundee School of Business University of Edinburgh Business School University of Exeter Business School University of Greenwich Business School University of Hertfordshire Business School University of Huddersfield Business School University of Lincoln University of Plymouth University of Salford University of South Wales University of Southampton University of St. Andrews School of Management University of Stirling Management School University of Sussex Business School UWE Bristol Westminster Business School Winchester Business School Worcester Business School York St John Business School
July 2024

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