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PRME Global

EGOS - 27th EGOS Colloquium, Gothenburg, July 7–9, 2011

Knowledge about assembling and reassembling organizations is now more important than ever. In the light of the current economic crisis, globalization, sustainable futures, financial regulation and social welfare are issues of immense importance for the second decade of this century. There will be a demand for organizational and institutional innovations to deal with these problems and this will have implications for both management practice and our understanding of organizations.

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A sub theme organized by Andreas Rasche, Jeremy Moon and Frank de Bakker titled “Organizing Corporate Social Responsibility: Interactions between Business and Society” will be featured at the 27th EGOS Colloquium in Gothenburg, Sweden (July 7-9, 2011).

The global spread of CSR as a management concept and business practice has lead to a growing interest in comparative international studies in CSR and a range of related concepts. Thus, CSR has emerged as a new stream of research raising important issues, not only for our understanding of CSR but also for broader debates in management studies, including issues such as local adaptation of management ideas, institutional change, business and society interactions as well as the nature of globalization.

Meanwhile, NGOs, activist groups and related societal organizations are increasingly studied in their capacity as influencers of business organizations. Corporate social responsibility, globalization or consumer affairs are just a few areas on which these organizations focus. The interactions between business organizations and societal organizations, the networks these organizations form or the mechanisms for governance that are applied require organizational and institutional innovations, both at the end of business organizations and at the end of civil society. The interaction processes between business and society are shifting and this will have implications for both management practice and our understanding of organizations and are likely to contribute to differences in local adaptation of concepts such as CSR.

This sub-theme aims at providing a forum for scholars to theorize and elaborate our knowledge on the changing organizational dynamics of the interactions between business and society in the context of the global spread and local adaptation of CSR. What drives these processes and how are NGOs/activist groups involved therein? For the entire text of the call, please click here.

Short papers should focus on the main ideas of the paper, i.e. they should explain the purpose of the paper, theoretical background, the research gap that is addressed, the approach taken, the methods of analysis (in empirical papers), main findings, and contributions. In addition, it is useful to indicate clearly how the paper links with the sub-theme and the overall theme of the Colloquium, although not all papers need to focus on the overall theme. Creativity, innovativeness, theoretical grounding, and critical thinking are typical characteristics of EGOS papers. Your short paper should comprise 3,000 words (inc. references, all appendices, and other material). If you wish to submit a short paper, please first take a look at the Guidelines and criteria for the submission of short papers at EGOS Colloquia. Submissions are welcome between December 1st 2010 and January 16th 2011 via the EGOS website.

For more information, visit the event website.