Accelerating our Common Agenda

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Date & Time

The 2024 PRME Global Forum took place fully online on 18 June 2024.

Following the "chasing the sun" method, PRME offered 16 hours of programming spanning a variety of time zones to reach our global community (all times in Eastern Time).

  • Eastern Hemisphere: 02:00 - 06:00 (offered in English)
  • PRME Time: 08:00 - 16:00 (offered in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish)
  • Western Hemisphere: 18:00 - 22:00 (offered in English)


The Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) Global Forum originated in 2008 as an event intended to bring together all of PRME’s stakeholders: students, faculty, deans, board members, and others, in discussion about the latest innovations and challenges in responsible management education.

The 2024 PRME Global Forum’s strategic vision was to accelerate the global collective impact of responsible management education while also serving as a space to learn and connect with passionate stakeholders. It brought together all walks of life from business, academia, the United Nations, the public sector, and the PRME community to accelerate the positive impact responsible management and business education is making on the leaders of tomorrow.

The theme of this year's Global Forum was Accelerating our Common Agenda.

Attendees experienced a dynamic program, ranging from panels that discuss creating social impact and the responsibility of a digital future, to breakout sessions that dove into the ways in which the Principles of responsible management education can be applied to key business and school disciplines such as accounting & finance; marketing; economics & public policy; analytics; and management. Additionally, best practices were presented as we awarded the PRME Faculty Teaching Awards, the PRME Global Student Sustainability Award and the Award for Excellence in SIP Reporting in 2023.

Lastly, as part of Responsible Management Education (RME) Week, PRME shared the stage with partners such as the Responsible Research in Business & Management (RRBM) network who highlighted the responsibility of published research in generating knowledge that is both credible and relevant, as well as Positive Impact Rating (PIR) who presented the results of its 2024 report which includes poignant insights from more than 20,000 student voices from across the globe.