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Higher Business School of State University of Management

State University of Management

Status Non Communicating Signatory
Type of Organization Business School or Department
Parent Organization State University of Management
Location Moscow , Russian Federation
Member Since 01 March 2018
Last Report Submission 15 February 2021

The Higher Business School (HBS) was created in 2008 in the State University of Management. HBS belongs to the oldest and most authoritative State University, giving the opportunity to get a prestigious diploma.The main purpose of HBS’s creation was to combine the most successful CPE’s programmes including MBA programmes under one brand to ensure an integrated approach to the management training and improving the quality of the educational process in order to match with international requirements.

HBS is the business-oriented school that exists for its clients, students and alumni. The school goal is to create client- oriented programmes for “continuing education” or “lifelong education”. The HBS is one of the leading business schools in Russia offers a first- class line of products in various areas: MBA programme, various programmes of continuing professional education and professional retraining, seminars and trainings.
The HBS brand has become recognizable in Russia and abroad due to the constant interaction of the HBS management with national and international organizations.
HBS has received high public accolades both in Russia and abroad:
- the third place in the People’s ranking 2020 of Russian business schools (by the version of MBA.SU in accordance with the survey of alumni);
- the first & second place in the TOP 10 of the monthly Popularity Index (PI) 2020 of business schools by the version of MBA.SU;
- three palm branches in the category Excellent Business School of the international EDUNIVERSAL ranking
MBA programme with the optional specializations was successfully reaccredited for 5 years by the International Association AMBA (Association of MBA's) in 2017 and reaccredited for 5 years by the National Accreditation Council for Business Education (NASDOBR) in 2019.

SIP Reports

Report Title Report Year Country SIP Reports
2021 Russian Federation Unavailable