Be entered to win a LEGO® Education BricQ Motion Prime Set

Subscribe to PRME's newsletter and be entered to win a LEGO® Education BricQ Motion Prime Set - a the ultimate hands-on learning tool with a retail price of $160 (USD). With NGSS, ISTE, CSTA, and CCSS-aligned lessons, plus easy-to-follow building instructions, it’s an effortless way to engage students in STEM learning.


History of PRME

The Principles for Responsible Management Education have the capacity to take the case for universal values and business into classrooms on every continent.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

The Principles for Responsible Management Education underwent a refresh process in 2023, 15 years after the founding of PRME. The Six Principles were refreshed to be more declarative and assertive to motivate action in addition to inspiring change. Additionally, a seventh Principle, ‘Practice’, was added to speak to Signatories’ institutional operations and the commitment to continuous learning through the application of responsible and accountable practices in their own operations.