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IMI New Delhi

Status Non Communicating Signatory
Type of Organization
Parent Organization
Location New Delhi , India
Member Since 02 July 2019
Last Report Submission 25 May 2021
International Management Institute (IMI) is India’s first corporate sponsored Business School founded in 1981 with the original campus in New Delhi. The corporate sponsors included RPG Enterprises (lead sponsor), ITC, Nestle, Tata Chemicals, British Oxygen, SAIL, and Williamson Magor. It was set up in collaboration with the then IMI Geneva, now IMD Lausanne. Subsequently two other campuses were set up in Kolkata (2010) and Bhubaneswar (2011). In the last several years, IMI New Delhi has been consistently ranked in the top 10-15 Business Schools in the country and among the top 5 private Business Schools. It is accredited by the UK based Association of MBAs (AMBA), one of the top three international accreditation bodies for Business Schools globally.
IMI New Delhi has global linkages with leading schools in Europe, North America, and Asia. The Institute currently offers the PGDM, PGDM-HRM, PGDM-Banking & Financial Services, Executive PGDM and FPM (doctoral program). In addition, it has built a vibrant Executive Education vertical offering training to management professionals from the corporate world. The Institute provides management training to foreign nationals from developing countries under the Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation (ITEC) program of the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. IMI New Delhi puts a strong focus on high quality research by its faculty leading to publications in international peer reviewed academic journals. Its faculty have PhDs from top international and national universities/institutes, with many of them also having significant corporate experience.

SIP Reports

Report Title Report Year Country SIP Reports
IMI New Delhi_PRME Annual Report 2020-21 2020 India View Report