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Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government

Status Non Communicating Signatory
Type of Organization University
Parent Organization
Location Dubai , United Arab Emirates
Member Since 16 May 2019
Last Report Submission 31 January 2021

Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government 2019-2020 Report

The Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government was launched in 2005 under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, as the first research and teaching institution focusing on governance and public policy in the Arab world. The School aims to support good governance in the UAE and the Arab world, and empower future leaders through an integrated system offering academic and training programs and evidence-based policy analysis and research. To that extent, the school ascribes to the UN’s Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME), as we believe in “Empowering Future Leaders.”

The School is part of the Government of Dubai. To that extent, our mandate is to focus on good public policy and effective governance in the Arab world. The UAE government has concentrated on SDGs by championing initiatives to ensure that we are “Leaving No One Behind.” MBRSG’s values are a reflection of the UAE’s and Dubai’s aspirations.

The School also falls under the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives (MBRGI), which has over 30 humanitarian and developmental initiatives and entities. Of the five pillars, MBRSG sits under the “Empowering Communities” pillar. The MBRGI is the largest regional foundation in terms of the number of institutional initiatives that work on a global scale, supporting significant time-bound humanitarian aid and relief operations. The MBRGI entities and initiatives also support vital societal sectors and develop practical and innovative solutions to address cultural, knowledge, economic, social, health, environment and humanitarian challenges in the region and the world. The vision is to develop a comprehensive humanitarian aid and social framework that adopts and implements a culture of creating hope and building a better future for societies.

SIP Reports

Report Title Report Year Country SIP Reports
MBRSG 2019-2020 Responsible Management Report 2020 United Arab Emirates View Report

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