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PRME Global

PRME at the Academy of Management 2012

Management Education Against Corruption: Developing Guidelines for Curriculum Change

Program Session #: 173 | Submission: 10320 | Sponsor(s): (MED)
Scheduled: Friday, 3 Aug 2012, 4:00PM-7:00PM at Marriott Boston Copley Place, Salon F

This session will be an opportunity for scholars and practitioners to exchange reports of experience and research in the endeavor to bolster management education curricula and also classes, projects, both on-campus and in outside organizations, towards mitigating corruption in all sectors of society. It is hoped that these exchanges will lead to future collaborations among the presenters that will be productive and successful towards this purpose.

The purpose of the session’s discussion shall be to foster insights among different business schools from all over the world for their teaching towards mitigating corruption.

Preliminary results from the PRME Working Group on Anti-Corruption shall be part of the discussion. The discussion will focus on the diverse ways anti-corruption issues are taught, and how anti-corruption teaching might be enhanced.

Informal Economy, Poverty and Responsible Management Education: Global Perspectives

Program Session #: 464 | Submission: 10393 | Sponsor(s): (AAT)
Scheduled: Sunday, 5 Aug 2012, 11:30AM-1:00PM at Boston Hynes Convention Center, Room 108

The purpose of this panel symposium is to explore the ongoing efforts towards incorporating the study of the informal economy and poverty in responsible management education. The panel members will share their efforts to better understand the complexity and nature of the informal economy and poverty, and descriptions of their curricula and research challenges and opportunities. They will also compare and contrast the similarities and differences in approaches to integrating formal consideration of these topics in regional management education initiatives. These include empirical evidence from Brazil, India and Africa in addition to global surveys. The Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative was launched in 2007 by the United Nations Global Compact and several co-convening institutions, encourages business schools across the globe to incorporate concepts of social responsibility and sustainability in their management education and research initiatives. Consideration is given to leveraging PRME as a vehicle for facilitating and supporting expansion of traditional management education to include the informal economy and poverty phenomena. This exploration and sharing of lessons learned can be of benefit to a wide range of management educators and researchers seeking concepts and best practices to better understand and eventually learn how to orchestrate the inclusion of informal economy and poverty topics in a more socially responsible way. It is the intention of the panel to engage the audience to proactively participate in this discussion. Learn more about the PRME Working Group on Poverty, a Challenge for Management Education.

View the presentation slides. Further details pertaining to each presentation can be obtained by contacting the authors:

New UN PRME Project to Advance the Teaching of Gender Issues in Management Education Worldwide

Program Session #: 1147 | Submission: 19123 | Sponsor(s): (GDO)
Scheduled: Monday, 6 Aug 2012, 3:00PM-4:30PM at Boston Park Plaza, Clarendon Room

Key leaders of the new Working Group on Gender Equality at the UN Global Compact's Principles for Responsible Management (PRME) will share insights on the development of a Global Respository of resources to assist faculty worldwide in intergrating gender issues into management education. Panelists also will discuss signficant gaps in materials available and options for fillings these deficiencies. A goal of the panel is to gather innovative ideas about how gender equality is being, and can be, addressed throughout the curriculum in all management disciplines.

For more information, visist the event website.