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PRME Chapter Nordic

3rd PRME Chapter Nordic Responsible Management Education Symposium

Hybrid PRME - Nordic chapter Responsible Management Education symposium (PRME-Symposium) 4th - 5th March, 2024

The exceptionally collegiate and Nordic focused symposium for Sharing RME research, Pedagogy/ educational methods and tools, paper development, and networking for the PRME Nordic chapter. The symposium started in 2020.

The main goal of the symposium is to bring together the PRME Nordic chapter community and to drive societal impact through innovative and entrepreneurial ways that are grounded in the PRME.

The symposium is also having Key note, PRME Impactful Five (i5) Workshop, and other activities.

Key Note Speakers

The role of innovation for responsible leadership and transformation

The importance of sustainable ecosystem transformation practice - Integrate research and education for sustainability.

  • Bo Edvardsson, Professor Karlstad Business School/CTF-Service Research Center, Karlstad University
  • Marie Carlsson, VP Electromobility Business Development, Volvo Buses

Meet the Editor

Journal of Business Ethics

  • Prof. Suzanne van Gils, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway, Member of the editorial Board & Section Editor

Business & Society

  • Prof. Collins Ntim, Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, UK. Member of the editorial Board & Associate Editor

We kindly invite fellow PRME Nordic chapter educators and researchers to submit contributions to both research and education:

  • Abstract/Proposal - a max. 150 words abstract with full title and author affiliation.
  • Deadline: February, 1st 2024
  • Send your abstracts or prosals to: Samuel Petros Sebhatu


Professor emeritus Atle Midttun, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway

Attendance is open

Registration deadline for in person attendance: 28th February, 2024

The symposium is hybrid in person and digital (zoom)


9D321 Karlstad University - Karlstad, Sweden


Via Zoom (the link will be shared after registration)

For further information: