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PRME Chapter North America

PRME North America Chapter Conference

Invitation to Engage

PRME North America and George Mason University’s Business for a Better World Center in the School of Business invite you to join us April 21-23 for the PRME NA Biennial Meeting in Arlington, VA USA, just outside Washington DC. After so much time apart, we are excited to come together once again to re-engage with colleagues as we pursue the work of responsible management education together. Our theme for the meeting is Building a Better Future Together.

The meeting will include sessions focused on how we can work together effectively as an organization and how we can boost engagement across different elements of our communities throughout the US and Canada. We will enjoy opportunities to discuss both research activities and teaching and learning innovations. We will further share examples of partnerships to effect change and approaches to communicating the impact we are having to different audiences.

Planned sessions include a workshop for junior scholars, unveiling of curricular materials for integrating sustainability across disciplines, teaching, research, and changemaking sessions, poster presentation sessions, and working sessions on priorities and initiatives for the future of PRME NA.

Please mark your calendars and plan to join us in Arlington on April 21-23. We will begin on April 21st with a pre-conference learning journey and the opening reception. For those people unable to attend in person, portions of the program will be available virtually.

Call for Proposals

If you would like to propose a session or panel or submit a teaching, research, or partnership innovation for presentation either in a session or as a poster, please send your proposal by January 31, 2022 to Mason’s Business for a Better World Center. Submissions will be reviewed through a peer-review process and decisions will be communicated by February 21, 2022. Preference will be given to submissions affiliated with schools in the PRME NA region.

For session or panel ideas, please submit a paragraph describing the session, why it would be of interest to participants, and names of potential panelists/presenters. For teaching, research, or partnership innovations for presentation or a poster session, please submit a one-page abstract for research projects or a one-page description for teaching and partnership innovations.

You can contact Anne Magro or Lisa Gring-Pemble at with any questions.