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PRME Global

PRME Chapter Talks - Methodology and Development of Sustainable Leaders


Organized by PRME Chapter Brazil and Chapter Chair, Jose Fares, Sistema FIEP

Topic: Methodologies that encourage the formation of sustainable leaders.

The lecture will discuss how the methodology chosen by educational institutions can contribute to the development of sustainable leaders. Engaging students in the theme of sustainability is still a challenge in Brazil. We hope to contribute with the exchange of experience among the signatory institutions.

1. José Antonio Fares - Superintendent at Serviço Social da Indústria – Sesi – and Instituto Euvaldo Lodi – IEL – in the state of Paraná; Regional Director at Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial – Senai – in the state of Paraná; and chair of PRME Chapter Brazil.

José Fares holds a Master in Business Administrationa (MBA), a B.A. in Psychology, and is specialist in Human Resources Management. He held the post of spokesman in important conferences of Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility, and was a professor in several post-graduation courses in the subject areas of Corporate Education, Human Resource Management and Corporate Social Responsibility.

2. Giovana Chimentao Punhagui, is an executive manager of education at Sistema Fiep (Paraná State Federation of Industries) in Southern Brazil.

She is responsible for the areas of Basic Education (Sesi), Professional Education (Senai) and Higher Education (Senai and IEL). Her main areas of expertise are in educational innovation, active methodologies and educational management. Giovana has a degree in Pedagogy from the Londrina State University (UEL), holds a Master's degree in education (UEL) and is a Cambridge certified teacher trainer and ESL language teacher. She is the author of scientific articles in national and international journals and currently writes for the blog "Ler e Pensar" (Read and think) for Gazeta do Povo (The People's Paper).