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Policy Enablers for Private Sector SDG acceleration
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Author: Secretariat, PRME Community Members

Case Study

Policy Enablers for Private Sector SDG acceleration

PRME is proud to share a new report in collaboration with United Nations Global Compact: Policy Enablers for Private Sector SDG Acceleration. Several members from the PRME Community including Sherwat Elwan Ibrahim (The American University in Cairo), Rob Ridley (Unicaf University) Gustavo Loiola (PRME Secretariat), Dr Jill Bogie and Tanya Dos Santos-Ford (GIBS Business School (Gordon Institute of Business Science), University of Pretoria) contributed to the report.

This report presents five case studies of how public policy can accelerate private sector action on three transitions key to achieving the SDGs: digitalization, energy transition and decent work & social protection. Drawing on in-depth, country-specific insights, the report identifies opportunities to accelerate business engagement through public policy that enables and boosts private sector action on the SDGs. It highlights the role of tailored policies in fostering digital, green and inclusive economies that increase and sustain resilience in the face of global complexities. Above all, it emphasizes the critical importance of strong partnerships across the public and private sectors in pursuit of the SDGs.

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