Be entered to win a LEGO® Education BricQ Motion Prime Set

Subscribe to PRME's newsletter and be entered to win a LEGO® Education BricQ Motion Prime Set - a the ultimate hands-on learning tool with a retail price of $160 (USD). With NGSS, ISTE, CSTA, and CCSS-aligned lessons, plus easy-to-follow building instructions, it’s an effortless way to engage students in STEM learning.


PRME Global

Save the Date: PRME Regional Meeting North America

Please note that the 2019 PRME Regional Meeting North America will take place on 2-4 June in Cleveland, OH. The meeting will be co-hosted by the College of Business Administration, Kent State University and the Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University.

We are delighted to welcome keynote speaker Jens Molbak, Founder of WinWin. Jens has a passion for entrepreneurship, innovation investing and a world where social and economic progress are available to all. WinWin is a non-profit that seeks to utilize a data-driven “tri-sector” approach to align the resources available in the private, social, and public sectors to generate superior societal and financial outcomes than would be possible if organizations were restricted to the resources within their sector alone.

We would also like to take this opportunity to announce the 2nd Annual UN PRME Chapter North America Excellence Awards in Teaching, Research and Service. Please forward nominations for any one or all three of the categories to Please read carefully and follow the directions contained in the attached power point presentation. Once I receive the nominations, I will then forward the nomination materials at the appointed time to Chapter Steering Committee excellence awards sub-committees for consideration and review. The deadline for nominations is the 28th of February.

Please visit the website to register for the event and view the preliminary meeting agenda, including optional events: a pre-meeting Learning Journey and Monday night Farm-to-Fork dinner and presentation.