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PRME Global

Save the Date – 4th PRME Chapter Meeting DACH and 3rd RME Research Conference

We are pleased to announce that the 4th PRME Chapter Meeting DACH and 3rd Responsible Management Education (RME) Research Conference (Germany, Austria & Switzerland) will be hosted on 9 - 10 November 2016 at the University of Applied Sciences Krems in Austria.

The meeting will build on the achievements and goals set at the 1st PRME Chapter Meeting DACH, 2nd PRME Chapter Meeting DACH, and 3rd PRME Chapter Meeting DACH hosted by MCI - Management Center Innsbruck, University of Applied Sciences HTW Chur, and the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, respectively, to further embed sustainability and corporate responsibility within management-related education.

The key objective of the 4th PRME Chapter Meeting DACH is to introduce and reflect on the recently launched Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) brought about by the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in management education and to discuss initiatives, methods and pioneering activities for including SDG-related issues in strategies, curricula, and lectures.

In the course of the conference, there will be opportunity for:

  • Intensive discussion of good practice examples as well as innovative teaching and learning methods, meeting the complex requirements of sustainable development.
  • In-depth dialog with academia, business, and students about how to cope with future needs thereby uncovering the fundamental role of universities in shaping sustainable development.
  • Precise and detailed suggestions for the cooperation of universities on key issues of integrating SDGs at the institutional level, in teaching and research.
  • Interaction and personal networking with representatives of both PRME signatory and non-signatory business schools; universities committed to responsible management education; and business representatives responsible for the selection of new talent and of executive education.

For more details, please visit the conference webpage. Further information will be made available early in 2016. At this point please contact the organizing committee at with any questions.

Additionally, please consider the Call for Papers here. The deadline for submissions is 29 April 2016.

The 3rd Responsible Management Education Research Conference will be held in Krems, Austria on 9-10 November 2016. There will be two sessions devoted to responsible management education and poverty alleviation. In addition, there will be two sessions on the Integration of the UN Global Compact into Business Practice and Management Education to Support the Advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals.The deadline for submissions will be 3 June 2016.

This year’s conference theme is Linking the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Management Education at Universities.

The two poverty-themed sessions, proposed by the PRME Working Group on Poverty, a Challenge for Management Education, are designed to include a wide range of topics and approaches.

  • Research: Advancing the Discussion on Sustainable Development Goals, Poverty Alleviation and the Role of Responsible Management Education
    The session will explore how research on poverty alleviation as No. 1 Sustainable Development Goal can shape responsible management action and practice. Conceptual, empirical and focused research papers that advance the understanding of the role, dynamics, and impact of corporations, entrepreneurs, social enterprises and/ or other organizations/institutions on the advancement of the SDGs and poverty reduction and provide guidance for responsible management education are welcome. Works in progress and/or proposals for innovative research designs that lead to new insights or challenge established frameworks about responsible management and poverty are also suitable for this session.
  • Teaching: Creating Student Experiences that Integrate Sustainable Development Goals and Poverty Alleviation with Responsible Management
    This session will focus on student learning. Papers that illustrate how to integrate SDGs and poverty alleviation topics and issues with responsible management through action learning activities, use of multi-/cross-disciplinary faculty teams, curricular/program/course change strategies, involvement of stakeholders as learning partners are welcome for this session. Case studies illustrating creative classroom approaches to poverty alleviation, the sustainable development goals and responsible management, as well as further innovations in teaching, are also suitable for this session.

The two sessions jointly proposed by three PRME Working Groups (Anti-corruption, Anti-Poverty and Gender Equality) are designed to include a wide range of cross-cutting topics and approaches.

  • Integrating the UN Global Compact into Business Practice to Advance the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
    This session is designed to provide a time and space for diverse participants (practitioners, policy makers, and educators) to discuss the managerial, practical and business issues relating to the topic. How can we promote the integration of the ten principles of the UNGC into business practice to support the advancement of the SDGs? To what extent are businesses able to go beyond the bottom line and practice responsible management with regard to the ten principles of the UN GC? How can managers of organizations comprehensively and pragmatically address the respective responsibilities and risks in their business and managerial policy and practice? What are the emerging intellectual, research and educational challenges relating to the integration of the UN GC into business practice that will help advance the SDGs? What insights and solutions can practitioners and scholars offer to current and future business leaders on how to practice their professions responsibly in the face of myriad challenges related to the global sustainability agenda and SDGs?
  • Integrating the UN Global Compact into Management Education to Advance the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
    This session welcomes contributions focused on the role that management education could/should play in helping business to go beyond the bottom line and integrate the UN GC into business practice that would support the advancement of the SDGs. The contributions are expected to address different aspects of responsible management education, as per the six principles of PRME (purpose, values, methods, research, partnerships, dialogue) and the role they could play in redefining success in both business practice and management education. What are the main challenges related to the creation and implementation of the new intellectual, research, educational and institutional agendas to support the integration of the UNGC and advancement of the SDGs? What are the lessons learned from good practices and inspirational solutions? What are the new opportunities that could be taken at the level of individuals and institutions within the PRME community, including partnerships with external stakeholders?

The sessions are designed for maximum interaction and discussion between participants and will provide presenters with valuable feedback for further improving their respective research, publishing and teaching opportunities and practices.

We hope that among the presenters we will have also contributors to the twin book projects, Beyond the Bottom Line: Integrating the UN Global Compact into Business Practice and Redefining Success: Integrating the UN Global Compact into Responsible Management Education, which will be published in Winter 2016 and Spring 2017, respectively.

Paper submission and conference registration

For the SDG and Poverty Alleviation Track:

  • When submitting your contribution (paper, extended abstract and/or work in progress) through the official conference submission system, please indicate under the title of your submission that it is sent for the SDG and Poverty Alleviation Track.
  • In case of problems in meeting the submission deadline (3 June 2016), please write an email to the track co-chairs: Milenko Gudić at: and/or Al Rosenbloom at: and/or Carole Parkes at:

For the Integration of the UN Global Compact into Business Practice (Management Education) to Advance the Implementation of the SDGs Track:

  • If you are interested to attend this conference, please develop a proposal (paper, extended abstract and/or work in progress) and submit it by 3 June 2016 through the official conference submission system. In your submission, please indicate in the subtitle of your submission that you hope to present in one of the two sessions on the Integration of the UN Global Compact into Business Practice (Management Education) to Advance the Implementation of the SDGs. Your submission could be also be related to the respective chapters that you have been working on for the joint books.
  • In case of problems in meeting the submission deadline (3 June), please write an email to the track co-chairs: Tay Keong Tan at, Milenko Gudić at, or consult with Pat Flynn at
On 9- 10 November 201