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08 June 2023


Smart Mobility Analytics Centre of IBSS

Smart Mobility Analytics Centre of IBSS

Name of the research center:

Smart Mobility Analytics Centre of IBSS

Research Center contact:

How many sustainability-focused researchers are part of the center (#)?

5 or less

Implementation of SDG-focused research centers

IBSS has been a PRME-affiliated school since its founding in 2013. In 2020, our new Dean, Jorg Bley, decided to make ERS one of the main strategic pillars of IBSS. He created a Centre for Responsible and Sustainable Business Education with a Director, an Associate Dean's position with budget authority and a Sustainability Committee with representatives from all departments as well as student representatives. Since that time, the Director of the RSBE Centre, the AD, RSBE and the Sustainability Committee collaborate to set RSBE and PRME priorities and SDG integration at IBSS. In 2022, 1 administrative staff position was added to support RSBE and in 2023, a .50 position was created. The RSBE budget has increased each year commensurate with our increased activities and involvement in PRME such as hosting the RME8 Research Conference in Fall 2021 and hosting the China RME Annual Meeting this spring. Our current RSBE budget is $200,000 US.

In which ways is research fostered, motivated, or incentivized by leadership in the institution

In Summer 2021, a special call for proposals for ERS-related research led to the funding of 6 projects for a sum of $65,000 US.

Main focus of the center's work

(1) Promote the interdisciplinary and cutting-edge academic research on smart mobility analytics.

(2) Establish close collaboration relationships with companies in the mobility sector to help them enhance their management.

(3) Explore opportunities to contribute to the executive education programmes as well as undergraduate/postgraduate student projects in the domain of mobility and transport.

How many sustainability/SDG-oriented publications are produced by the center(s) each year on average? Please separate your response into peer-reviewed articles and other publications.

1 peer reviewed article per year (given the fact that the Center was just founded in 2022)

Explain briefly how research carried out in the center feeds into teaching, giving examples of modules/courses or related degree programmes.

UG/PG dissertation projects.


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