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St Joseph's University

Status Communicating Signatory
Type of Organization University
Parent Organization
Location Bengaluru , India
Member Since 04 December 2023

St Joseph’s University’s main aim and objective is to form socially responsible and resourceful citizens rooted in national identity and culture, who will create a just, progressive, secular, inclusive and ecologically sensitive society. This we intend to achieve through affordable and world-class higher education, aimed primarily at the marginalized sections of society, through experiential, research based learning and academic excellence. To generate and disseminate new knowledge, that is academically progressive and socially empowering through cutting-edge research. To impart holistic education that will make significant contributions to nation-building. By participation and engagement in the PRIME Community hoping to achieve:  Global citizenship as a mindset and practice  Contemporary challenges and opportunities  International student exchange programs with universities in Dubai & beyond  Staff exchange programs  Industry and corporate international internships opportunities for students   Research Partnership with other universities  Exchange of Value Education

SDG 1: No Poverty
2.1.1. Provide scholarships to the poor, the marginalized and the economically
weaker sections of society.
2.1.2. Through outreach programmes the university reaches out to the
underprivileged people and with our interactions with them, we are working
towards their long-term poverty alleviation programmes.
2.1.3. By providing quality education in rural areas, we are paving way to the
empowerment of younger generations leading them to move towards
stable incomes.
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
2.2.1. The university provides mid-day meals to over 1000 students every day.
2.2.2. Jesuit Worldwide Learning (JWL) for refugees would make them self-
2.2.3. Our research in Biotechnology and Food Science and Technology
programmes empower safe and increased production of food grains apart
from offering value addition to products in terms of increasing shelf-life,
therefore increasing accessibility.

2.2.4. The University played a significant role in quenching hunger and thirst
among the marginalized, the under-privileged and from the unorganized
working sector by providing them food resources during the pandemic and
natural disasters such as floods, draught, etc.

SDG 3: Good health and well being
2.3.1. The university has health monitoring programmes for staff and students.
2.3.2. Sports and fitness activities.
2.3.3. Regular counselling services are provided.
2.3.4. The university conducts blood donation camps twice a year
2.3.5. The university has live blood donors association.
2.3.6. Vaccination drives are conducted
2.3.7. The university creates health awareness in rural areas through the
outreach programmes.
2.3.8. Students visit old age homes and hospices.
SDG 4: Quality Education
2.4.1. As per the motto of the University Fide et Labore i.e. Faith and Toil, its
vision, mission and objectives, it has been imparting quality education for
141 years, by developing 3 H’s - Head, i.e. intellectual dimension, Heart,
i.e. affective dimension and Hands i.e. service motive - and 4 C’s -
Creativity, Competence, Compassion and Conscience - in every student
who passed through its hallowed portals.

SDG 5: Gender Equality
2.5.1. The university provides equal opportunities to all genders across academic
disciplines, co-and-extra-curricular activities, etc. This is aligned United Nations’
agenda on diversity and inclusion.
2.5.2. Special research offered by the Government for women scientists have
been effectively utilized.
2.5.3. One of the objectives of the university is to prepare men and women for
and with others.
2.5.4. Women are amply represented in NCC/NSS/Sports/research and
extension activities.
2.5.5. The university has educated transgenders.
2.5.6. The university has a transgender on the faculty.
SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation
2.6.1. The university is providing RO water to all.
2.6.2. Sewage Treatment Plant is installed.
2.6.3. The university conducts “Neerathon” - annual marathon for water.
2.6.4. Rain water harvesting system is in place.
2.6.5. The university campus has water conservation wells.

SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy
2.7.1. All the buildings are designed having natural light and ventilation.
2.7.2. St Joseph’s University was the first university in South India to install
solar panels which generates 480/KW/h, for which it has received
Power Award from the Government.
2.7.3. Biogas plant powers the hostel kitchen.
SDG 8: Descent work and economic growth
2.8.1. The university gives fair wages to all it employees.
2.8.2. The support staff are provided with nutricious food every day.
2.8.3. Interest free loans are given to the staff.
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
2.9.1. The university has been innovative in offering courses in all disciplines.
2.9.2. The staff are trained in Research Based Pedagogical Tools (RBPT)
which are deployed in the classroom teaching.
2.9.3. The laboratories are equipped with good and ultra-modern instrument
with modern infrastructure for research and innovation in collaboration
with the industry.
SDG 10: Reduced inequalities
2.10.1. Gender inequality removal
2.10.2. Regional inequality removal. The university is educating people from
the rural areas. It has established institutions in the remote,
underprivileged and marginalized areas. Further, the university
educates as its option the urban poor from the slums and the
underprivileged class.

SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities
2.11.1. M.Sc. Environment Science and Sustainability programme is creating
professionals in the field of environment sustainability.
2.11.2. Our research in Environment Science and Biology has focussed on
issues pertaining to sustainability - park management, mobility, energy
consumption, safe food so on and so forth.
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production
2.12.1. The answer scripts are recycled.
2.12.2. Rain water harvesting is in place.
2.12.3. Sewage Treatment Plant is installed.
2.12.4. Solar panels generates 480/KW/h.
2.12.5. Biogas plant powers the hostel kitchen.
2.12.6. By digitising the administration and examinations, the consumption of
paper is reduced.

SDG 13: Climate action
2.13.1. Answer scripts are recycled.
2.13.2. Rain water harvesting.
2.13.3. Sewage Treatment Plant.
2.13.4. Solar panels.
2.13.5. Biogas plant.
2.13.6. Digitization of administration and examinations.
SDG 14: Life below water
2.14.1. The courses in Biology, Environment Science, Wildlife and
Conservation focus on conservation of life.

SDG 15: Life on land
2.15.1. The courses in Biology, Environment Science, Wildlife and
Conservation focus on conservation of life.
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
2.16.1. The university has “Harmony Association” - an association for peace
and inter-religious harmony. It has started ten Harmony Associations
in the city.
2.16.2. The university has Inter-Religious Harmony Movement (IRHM).
2.16.3. The IRHM conducts regular inter-religious prayer services, inter-
religious pilgrimages, talks and discourses, inter-religious retreats for
the staff across religious and cultural backgrounds.
2.16,4. All the university programmes commence with inter-religious prayer
SDG 17: Partnerships
2.17.1. Local, regional and national level.
2.17.2. University collaborates with global institutions.