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Strategic Action Coordination (SAC) (2021-2022)

In 2021 and 2022, the PRME Secretariat, PRME Board and VIVA Idea Foundation (Costa Rica Branch) collaborated on a model to support the development and impact of PRME Chapters through the termed Strategic Action Coordination (SAC) Process. The SAC was designed into a series of workshops, surveys, and interviews with each PRME Chapter across geographies. The process aimed both for local and collective impact and to offer inspiration and concrete plans for Chapters to manage and organize their activities.

The SAC Process was led by the PRME Secretariat and facilitated with the generous pro bono support of VIVA Idea, an organization solely dedicated to solving sustainability challenges through research, capacity building, and knowledge management based in Costa Rica.

Key learnings from the outcome report provided by VIVA Idea continue to inform strategic action in the Secretariat and Chapters. Sincere thanks to the Viva Idea team for their efforts and collaboration, especially, Urs Jager, Paola Fonseca, Arturo Rodriguez, and Jose Valverde.

In addition to the report submitted at the end of 2022 based on 18 months of interviews and workshops with PRME Chapters and the PRME Secretariat, VIVA colleagues also listened in on the PRME Chapter Annual Reviews to better summarize their learnings, especially from Chapters that were not able to complete the workshops, in early 2023. From all of the data and information gathered, the VIVA Idea team have built a data bank which can evolve over time depending on PRME's needs and the growth and impact of the community.

SAC Process Key Learnings

From a set of observations made in the workshops, key learnings were identified, including the need to strengthen Secretariat and Chapter communication channels and the desire to further knowledge exchange efforts across the community. These learnings will inform PRME's strategic objective defined in the process, which is to establish a decentralized action-oriented organization focused on local contexts and collective action with a strong global organization providing process guidance, a strong PRME brand & quality assurance.

The process also observed key trends, of high influence, which determine the direction of PRME work globally and locally including, but not limited to, access to resources, digital engagement, and climate change and green transition.