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PRME Global

(Un)expected activism: A crisis of climate (PRME Education Academy Seminar Series)


(Un)expected activism: A crisis of climate

9 June, 10:00 - 11:30 am ET/4:00 – 5:30pm CET

Webinar 2: ACTIVISM

Speaker: Charlie Gardner (University of Kent)

Referents: Mumbi Maria Wachira (Strathmore University Business School, Nairobi), Alessia Contu (University of Massachusetts Boston)

PRME and the Chair in Management Education for Sustainability (an initiative of Antwerp Management School and Breda University of Applied Sciences) invite you for the second edition of the challenging and thought-provoking PRME Education Academy Seminar Series!

This second edition is called ‘Reinventing Management Education: Art, Activism, Alternatives’ and promises to be a challenging series of webinars with renowned speakers. Without exception, the speakers will take necessary and provocative look at Responsible Management Education.

As such, the series tries to identify inspiring ideas, valuable lessons, and new horizons for everyone eager to gear management education towards the social and ecological predicaments of societies worldwide.

Each webinar centers around a perspective (Art, Activism, and Alternatives), inviting an expert speaker to present her/his ideas, followed by reflections of one or several referents. Participants are invited to engage in discussion with the speaker, the referent, and fellow participants.

The webinars are moderated by professors Lars Moratis and Frans Melissen, joint holders of the Chair in Management Education for Sustainability.