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Universidad del Cono Sur de las Americas

Status Non Communicating Signatory
Type of Organization University
Parent Organization
Location Asuncion , Paraguay
Member Since 13 October 2008
Last Report Submission 18 January 2022

SIP Reports

Report Title Report Year Country SIP Reports
UCSA Septimo Informe de Progreso PRME 2022 Paraguay View Report
UCSASextoInformedeProgresoPRME1 2016 Paraguay View Report
UCSAQuintoInformedeProgresoPRME 2014 Paraguay View Report
UCSACuartoInformedeProgresoPRME 2013 Paraguay View Report
UCSATercerInformedeProgresoPRMEMayo2013 2012 Paraguay View Report
UCSASegundoInformedeProgresoPRME 2011 Paraguay View Report
InformedeProgresoPRMEdelaUniversidaddelConoSurdelasAmricas 2010 Paraguay View Report