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Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana - UTFPR

Status Non Communicating Signatory
Type of Organization University
Parent Organization
Location Curitiba , Brazil
Member Since 20 October 2011
Last Report Submission 31 October 2019

Relatório de Gestão UTFPR 2020 - 2020 UTFPR Management Report

The Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR) is the first and only Technological University in Brazil, the result of its history and performance in the technological area. The institution was transformed into UTFPR by Law 11184 of October 7, 2005, from the Federal Center for Technological Education of Paraná (Cefet-PR), which was previously the Federal Technical School of Paraná among the various names that passed, being the origin the Escola de Aprendizes Artífices, founded in 1909. UTFPR inherited a long and expressive trajectory in professional education in its one hundred and five years of existence.
UTFPR offers technical courses, higher technology courses, bachelor's degrees (mainly engineering), bachelor's degrees, specializations, master's, doctoral degrees, various research and extension activities. UTFPR seeks to maintain compliance with the movements of the Global Compact, the Principles for Responsible Business Education (PRME) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and Agenda 21, in its school curricula and in the institution.
In the area of business and community relations, it works closely with the business and community segment, through the development of applied research, entrepreneurial culture, social activities, contributing to regional development by decentralizing its activities in its thirteen campuses distributed in the state of Paraná. in school curricula and in the institution. In this sense, UTFPR applies and disseminates the principles of the Global Compact (governance, innovation, sustainability, entrepreneurship, leadership and ethics), which also govern these benchmark initiatives with the institution's guiding concepts.
In this sense, we present the compact report on UTFPR Management, as requested by the Comunication on Progress (COP) of the Global Compact; PRME's Sharing Information on Progress (SIP); and by the Millennium Development Goals.

SIP Reports

Report Title Report Year Country SIP Reports
RelatoriodeGestoUTFPR20184 2021 Brazil Unavailable