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PRME Global

2015 Global Forum for Responsible Management Education

We are pleased to announce the 2015 Global Forum for Responsible Management Education6th Annual Assembly will be held 23-25 June 2015 in New York City.

When | 23-25 June 2015

Where | New York City, including a session in the UN General Assembly Hall

Who | 300-400 leaders of responsible management education and business, including deans, university presidents, professors, business school accreditation bodies and regional associations, students, participants of Global Compact Local Networks and the LEAD group of companies, as well as representatives from the UN, government, civil society, and corporate sustainability thought leaders.

What | The Global Forum will provide a collaborative, forward looking, and action oriented space to:

  1. Identify major global trends for 2015-2030, including the role of business and management education in responding to the proposed UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  2. Engage in interactive discussion, share good practices, and connect with peers and key stakeholders, including company representatives, to generate solutions and opportunities for responsible management education.
  3. Shape a roadmap for how business and management education can leverage engagement through PRME to be leaders, building on active projects and outcomes from past PRME Global Fora and Summits.

How | The programme will include:

  • Keynote address and moderated panel discussions by forward looking thought leaders
  • “Collaboratories” (interactive, solution oriented, multi-stakeholder discussion)
  • Breakout meetings with PRME networks (Chapters, Champions, Working Groups) and Global Compact companies (Local Networks, LEAD, and issue workstreams)

Registration and Logistics | Personal invitations will be sent in early March. To request an invitation, please email For more information on registration, participant fees, and additional venue and logistical details, please visit

On 25 June, the UN Global Compact will be oranising 15th anniversary events. Learn more about attending the Global Compact+15: Business as a force for good here.